Whether ThiruParkadal is in Satya Lokam

Updated on May 7, 2021 in General
8 on July 22, 2020

Resp. Velukkudi Swamy,


Presently I am listening to the discourse of
Velukkudi Swamy on Vaikuntha Gadyam. While elaborating the details about 14 lokas, it is mentioned that Trimurti (Brahma, Vishnu & Siva) resides in Satya lokam. That means whether ThiruParkadal is in Satya Lokam?.


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0 on July 24, 2020

Today I was listening to Enpani audio # 594. Resp. Velukkudi swami mentioned that ThiruParkadal is in x plane of Bhulogam i.e., in the same plane as that of our earth. In that case, Whether Lord Vishnu resides at both satya lokam and ThiruParkadal?.


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Narayana Sooktham verse 5:

5. yacca kincign-jagat sarvam drshyate shrooyate api vaa |
antar bahish-ca tatsarvam vyaapya naaraayaNa: sTHitha: ||

yacca kincid (All that) jagat sarvam (all over the world) drshyate (is
seen) api vaa (or is) shrooyate (heard), naaraayaNa: (Sriman Narayana)
sThitha: (stands) vyaapya (manifesting) tat sarvam (all that) anta:
(inside) bahish-ca (and out).

pasted from https://ramanuja.org/sri/BhaktiListArchives/Article?p=oct96%2F0093.html
on July 28, 2020

Kambandasan swamy,

I checked up the link. I could not get connection to the query posted by me. “Ennudaiya sitrarivirku ettavillai”. Kindly excuse me.


on July 29, 2020

Srimate Ramanujaye Namaha!

Jayaram swamy, my understanding is Kambandasan swamy is trying to convey that Perumaal manifests in all time and space inside and out.. and has provided reference.

Also i think you may have heard of five forms of Perumaal in upanyaasams – Para, Vyuha,vibhava, paramatma and archa  which are representing five principle forms of manifestation of Perumaal in Vaikunta, Paarkadal,incarnations in earth, inside each soul’s heart and finally in temples.



on July 29, 2020

enpanifan swamy,

I have understood what was conveyed by Kambandasan swamy, which was about Perumal. My query is about ThiruParkadal and not about Perumal. Bhoolokam also have a ThiruParkadal.

I thank Kambandasan swamy for his efforts to give ref. I know providing ref for a query of this nature requires search which takes time and effort.


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0 on July 29, 2020

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha

My guess vyuha thirupArkadal is in seperate lokam beyond satya lokam.

Satya is for brahma


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0 on July 29, 2020

Oh I was unaware of this

“ThiruParkadal is in x plane of Bhulogam i.e., in the same plane as that of our earth. ”


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