Mingling with other Vaishnavites of Bharata Desam

Updated on March 27, 2020 in General
1 on March 27, 2020


Adiyen has temporarily moved to Delhi on work a few months ago and have got a very good company of a lady colleague whose family follows the original Gaudiya Sampradayam instituted by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (not that of the modern ISKCON).

They have been inviting me for a lunch or so but adiyen, for paucity of time and also distance, could not really do it.

Meanwhile, adiyen thought of asking if it is acceptable to have lunch or food from a family following yet another Vaishnava sampradayam. They have a strong adherence to non-onion and non-garlic food but for their kids.

Badil arula praarthikkiren!



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Adiyen sharing personal experience given that adiyen also associates with a lot of gaudiya vaishnavites. As long as it’s prasadam (confirming to our ahara niyamanam) offered to perumal / krishna, it is fine to accept. 

On a different note, adiyen would like to understand devareer’s reason to indicate “original Gaudiya Sampradayam instituted by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (not that of the modern ISKCON)”. 

Adiyen it may not be appropriate to discuss in this forum. If this is something devareer can discuss we can discuss it outside. 

Badrianarayan Ramanuja Dasan.  

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