Invasions and Colonization of Punya Karma-Bhumi Pre-Destined ?

Updated on December 17, 2021 in General
0 on December 17, 2021

Namaskaram Swamy,

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namah,

When Bharat Bhumi, Karma-Punya Bhumi was extremely prosperous wealth-wise, spiritual culture wise etc 1000 years back, then it was subjugated to un-imaginable horrors of Invasions from other religions, colonization by British and other foreign kingdoms.

Definitely the capture and decline of the values, culture, wealth due to this horror etc is not attributable to a single or set of individuals causing it but it is attributed to entire mass of people in Karma-Bhumi.

Thus, is it pre-planned/pre-destined etc by divine power that being Kali-Yuga etc such horror forces were given power, or “meant” to invade the Karma- bhumi to cause such problems so as to propagate the forces of Kali and thereby reduce the power of Sanatana Dharma on Indian soil?

Or would there have been any scenario where the entire Punya-Bhumi people could have evaded this attack from starting itself thereby having no invasions, colonizations which seemed unlikely due to the heavy power/force with which they came?


Thanking you,


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