Consciousness research – SriVaishnavam – SriSwamy

Updated on January 30, 2023 in Holy Books
2 on January 29, 2023

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Srimathe Sri Varaha Mahadesikaya Namaha
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy Thiruvadigaley Sharanam

Our Advaita, Dwaitha, VishistAdvaitam explained consciousness (self) immaculately.

Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy taught us what is being self.
* Even in unconscious state (coma) AthmA says “I am” “I am”
* In today’s EnPaNi 2730 being self at SriVaikuntam Kainkarya bliss with aprAkrutha thirumEni with 8 differences from material body
* AthmA (self) is self illuminatory
* AthmA (self) itself is made up of knowledge
* AthmA (self) is indestructible
* AthmA (self) is different from ParamAthmA (God)
* 101st nAdi is sushumnA nAdi meant for archirAdhi mArgam eternal liberation
* Soul Self Anu mAtram, Supersoul God Vibhu
* AthmA needs body for execution

Mukkur Sri Lakshmi Narasimha AchAryAr:
* Mind (Manas) does the comparison & sends data to brain
* The order of data transmission
Shareeram (body) -> Indriyam (senses) -> Manas -> Buddhi -> JeevAthmA -(sentient self) > ParamAthmA (sentient God)

Srimushnam Periya Andavan Srimath Rangaramanuja Mahadesika Swamy has revealed:

“Sookshma Shareeram is aprAkrutham” (non materialistic divine body)

So combining above AthmA can travel with the materialistic or non materialistic body

Sri Kambandasan Swamy:
* Explained several verses from Bhagavath Gita in same forum about jeevAthmA lakshanam

In Nat Geo Wild channel:
* The just hatched crocodile 🐊 chick from egg goes to the water immediately after birth based on “instinct”

Swamy Desikan:
* The instinct is based on past birth menories

Presenting TED talk where scientists are still trying to figure out consciousness…

Any mistake please forgive

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0 on January 29, 2023

Please read as “past life memories”

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0 on January 30, 2023

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha

“Making computers smarter does not make it sentient” – Chethanam Achethanam

“World is experienced from inside out” – Yoga antharyAmi

“Individual consciousness part of whole consciousness” – Athma ParamAthmA Yasya AthmA na Shareeram

“End of consciousness” – Mukthi/Moksham
Consciousness cannot end as AthmA is indestructible (& anAdi) but can be brought to a logical conclusion in my opinion in SriVaikuntam beyond the dimensions of time and place.

Look at the standing ovation?

It should be given to our Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy. Our PoorvAchAryas have been telling the same thing. Our Swamy explained it so well.

India i.e. Bharath is so advanced. Yet we are calling it developing ?

Why are we not appreciating our deep knowledge?

Kandathey Kaathchi kondathey kolam

கண்டதே காட்சி கொண்டதே கோலம் – perception/interoception

நாள் ஒரு மேனி பொழுதொரு வண்ணம் – evolution

Why are we not appreciating our wealth of knowledge?

Why our AchAryAs are so underrated?


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