Clarification Mahabharatam audio 11

Updated on May 10, 2020 in Daily rituals and practice
1 on May 8, 2020

Srimate Ramanujaye Namaha!

Namskaaram Swami.

I was hearing the new series of audios of Mahabharata audios. in yesterday’s audio:( no 11), towards the end astika Brahmanas and the snakes have a discussion on how people with sarpa dosha will be relived in future by following certain steps:

  1. Is by reading this parva (aastika parva)
  2. Second they state by reciting certain mantras ( which mantras does this refer to ?)
  3. Thirdly there was reference to Astika, Artiman and Sunitha. ( Astika is the brhmana who saved the snakes, who are Artiman and Sunita?)

I found a rough translation online..not sure of the authenticity or correctness of translation. kindly correct my understanding. Thanks

“Astika said, ‘Let those Brahmanas, and other men, who shall, in the morning or in the evening, cheerfully and with attention, read the sacred account of this my act, have no fear from any of you.’ And the snakes in joy thereupon said, ‘O nephew, in the nature of thy boon, let it be exactly as thou sayest. That which thou askest we all shall cheerfully do, O nephew! And those also that call to mind Astika, Artiman and Sunitha, in the day or in the night, shall have no fear of snakes. He again shall have no fear of snakes who will say, ‘I call to mind the famous Astika born of Jaratkaru, that Astika who saved the snakes from the snake-sacrifice. Therefore, ye snakes of great good fortune, it behoveth you not to bite me.”


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0 on May 10, 2020

Srimate Ramanujaye Namaha!

Namaskaaram, Can any body throw some light on the above Questions?



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