Updated on August 22, 2018 in General
2 on August 21, 2018


Namaskaram Swamy

Swamy used to say that the thirunamam “Vishnu” means that Bagavan resides in each and every molecule of all beings.  I can understand that there are three thathvams Eswaran, Chithu & Achithu.  I cannot understand the concept of Achithu.

My doubts are

  1. Will an athman too reside in each molecule of air, water, soil, etc., along with Bagavan ?
  2. Will an athman in a non-living thing ( achithu ) turn into a jivathma in order to attain moksham?
  3. There are instances where a jivathma that has committed a lot os sin turns into a non-living thing.  In such a case, how will a jivsthma convert itself and take the form of achithu?
  4. How does achithu attain moksham?
  5. We say jivathma as nithyam and achithu as annithyam.  If an athman resides in non-living things, how to interpret achithu to be annithyam?
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Sri Ramanuja Munaye Namaha,
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami Guruvae Namaha,

Swami beautifully says in enpani 1117 “will jadam become athma”.

Adiyen Sri Velukkudi Krishna Dasan,
Uyya Oraey Vazhi UdayavAr ThiruvAdi,
Sarvam SriKrisharpanam Asthu.

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0 on August 22, 2018

Thank you so much Swamy for answering these questions through EnPani 1117



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