Aatma inside Acit

Updated on October 8, 2020 in Holy Books
16 on August 13, 2019

Srimate Ramnujaye Namaha!


Swami i was hearing the Katho upanishad and Prashna Upanishad audios recently and it was explained that there are zero jnanam (100% covering i suppose) aatma even inside acit substances like table chair or stone etc.

Swami it is  not conceivable to understand this concept as I thought presence of aatma means, the corresponding acit housing the aatma, will grow , reproduce, dwindle and die etc. like plants animals humans etc.

Also it was said there can be many aatma inside any achit.  So how will they attain next body? and what happens if a stone is broken into two.. both parts will have many aatma inside them?

Also is there any sloka in Bhagavat Geeta that refers to this concept mentioned in Katho and prashna upanaishad?

Kindly clarify this swami as it may be a doubt for many of us.





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2 on August 13, 2019


There are hundreds of answers in this forum. Adiyen tried searching. Posting closest one

Why Unlimited number of Sthavara (as well as Jangama) as compared to Manusyas ?

Please search Swamy Answers ellAm bayangaramA irukku onnu onnum super please check


on August 14, 2019

Srimate Ramanujaye namaha

Swami thanks for referring to a possible related link or thread.
Though this thread does discuss about existence of zero jananam aatma in achit, my questions were –

1) how do they get or gain jnanam and take future bodies? Because in human life we can do karma to overcome ajnanam but they cannot.

2)secondly..i suppose there are infinite aatma inside a single achit entity..so if the entity is physically separated as two parts..there will still be some aatmas in each individual achit entities..is that correct?

I am unable to get answers for these from the above thread..


on August 15, 2019

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Srimathe SriVarAha MahAdEsikAya Namaha
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy Thiruvadigaley Sharanam

Swamy based on Velukkudi Swamy’s explanation, when adiyen questioned long back about which athmA undergoes karma as there are lot of cells and stuff which is born and dies periodically Swamy said there is a “primary Athma” with dharma booths gyAnam


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1 on August 14, 2019

Thathvam is 3- 1. chit, 2. Achit and 3. Paramaathma.achit never become chit or aathma.
you can refer to Enpani1117 aufio related to achit thathvam.

on August 14, 2019

Namaskaram swami
Thank you very much for pointing to the correct audio.?
my doubt was clarified clearly..swami said that an atma because of some sin may get trapped inside acit and after the sin is exhausted he gets knowledge and a better body.

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Sri Ramanuja Munaye Namaha,


Beautiful reference Srinivasan BhagavAta about Swami’s audio #1117.


Enpanifan BhagavAta, Swami slso mentions the same in the above Prashna Upsnishad that BhagavAta pointed out in the initial thread. It’s is in audio #55, but pissed ble to kiss Swami’s point, because the subject is in-depth.

Also BhagavAta, Swami has said that the Athma doesn’t get Knowledge. It already has full knowledge (each one of us), but each one of us are not able to exhibit the Parathantra Gyanam (Servitude knowledge) due to the dirt (karma’s) covering it, like சேற்றில் விழுந்த மாணிக்கம் போல (Diamond fallen inside dirt)” .

Swami has said, Athma is like a Diamond, no need to impart light to it. It is Self Glowing ( ஸுயம் பிரகாஷ்ம் / Swayam Prakasham). So we all are Athma’s of equal Quality (Gyana Swaroopam with Predominant Parathantra Swaroopam), but covered with different levels of karma’s . So by BhagavAt /Alwar/Acharya Krupai, they remove/wipe our dirt (karma’s), so the the Athma’s (diamond) self glowing (Parathantra Gyanam) is visible, and it is not getting any knowledge, since it already has the knowledge (glowing).


Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami Thiruvadigalaey Sharanam.

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Adiyenai shamikkanum. Reposting due to auto-fill words error. ‘Underlined’ the text for the typing error corrections. 



Sri Ramanuja Munaye Namaha,


Beautiful reference Srinivasan BhagavAta about Swami’s audio #1117.


Enpanifan BhagavAta, Swami slso mentions the same in the above Prashna Upsnishad that BhagavAta pointed out in the initial thread. It’s is in audio #55, but possible to miss Swami’s point, because the subject is in-depth.

Also BhagavAta, Swami has said that the Athma doesn’t get Knowledge. It already has full knowledge (each one of us), but each one of us are not able to exhibit the Parathantra Gyanam (Servitude knowledge) due to the dirt (karma’s) covering it, like சேற்றில் விழுந்த மாணிக்கம் போல (Diamond fallen inside dirt)” .

Swami has said, Athma is like a Diamond, no need to impart light to it. It is Self Glowing ( ஸுயம் பிரகாஷ்ம் / Swayam Prakasham). So we all are Athma’s of equal Quality (Gyana Swaroopam with Predominant Parathantra Swaroopam), but covered with different levels of karma’s . So by BhagavAt /Alwar/Acharya Krupai, they remove/wipe our dirt (karma’s), so the the Athma’s (diamond) self glowing (Parathantra Gyanam) is visible, and it is not getting any knowledge, since it already has the knowledge (glowing).


Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami Thiruvadigalaey Sharanam.

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1 on April 4, 2020

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha,

Velukkudi Sri Krishnan Swami has graced details in enpani #1700 உடலுக்குள்ளும் ஆத்மா உள்ளார்; நாற்க்காலிக்குள்?

Adiyen (ElayaAlwar) Srinivasa (DhoddayAcharyar) Dasan

on April 5, 2020

Srimate Ramanujaye Namaha!

Dhanyosmi Swami for referring/linking the audio to this question.

I did hear that all three Tatvas are inside everything. But I am not able to understand / realize the same that there is atma inside non-living.. may take some more time for me to realize this perhaps.. 

In case of living entity when the living entity is harmed or killed that aatma leaves the body and is clear.. But in case of a non-living entity, what happens when a stone is broken into two, the atma will occupy one of them or both? Then should that also not be considered as himsa? These kind of doubts still persist.





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2 on April 12, 2020

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha,


Namskaram enpanifan (Anand) Swami,


With Acharya ThiruvAdi Bhalam and Velukkudi Swami’s Aasirvadham, adiyen will share by compiling from Swami’s different upanyasams regarding devareer’s query.

We understand the Three Tatvams from Swami’s Upanishads that:

1) Achit (Insentient, Jada Porul, ZERO Gyanam) is countless,

2) Chit (Sentient, JeevAthma made of ONLY Gyanam) is countless &

3) ParamaAthma (Only ONE in this category, Our crazy Perumal) who is Sarva Vyapagan (Present Everywhere), like HE is pervasive Inside Chit & Achit as Vishnur, as well as pervasive outside Chit & Achit as Vipu.

Another sub-factor needs to be understood as well for Chit.

Each Chit (Sentient JeevAthma) has Two Gyanam’s (Knowledge),

a) Dharmik Gyanam,

b) Dharma Bhootha Gyanam

Dharmik Gyanam alway says “I” only, as Naan…Naan…. Naan….(நான் ….நான் ….நான் ….). This is common for each JeevAthma. This “I” is never changing and it is not Ahankaram. It points to itself by default.

Dharma Bhootha Gyanam is the knowledge it accumulated due to its activities which varies from JeevAthma to JeevAthma due to vaasanas, karmas etc….

Any Body of human or bird or animal or plant/tree is Achit (Insentient).

Now, when a Chit (JeevAthma) in Samsaram called as BhaddAthma, gets a body like human or animal or bird to relinguish its Karmas, then that PRIMARY Athma will be located in one place in the heart of that particular body, but its Dharma Bhootha Gyanam will be spread out through out the body on to each parts, due to which, when the body does actions based on its Vaasanas/Karmas, that Primary Athma in that body accumulates the Paapa/Punya karmas due to the Athma’s Dharma Bhootha Gyanam spread on to the body. However there are other millions of Athma in the same body, which comes in through food or during inhale air and exits through exhale or through excretions, sweat etc… but those Athma’s doesn’t relinquish any karmas, since it is not the primary Athma of that body.

Now the chain reaction question that will pop up is, how the Athma feels the pain due to its Dharma Bhootha Gyanam spread out in the body. Here comes the 5 Pranaa Vayu’s (Prana, Apana, Udana, Vyana, Samana) which is the Adhesive between Athma’s Dharma Gyanam and its body

Prana Vayu is the air that we or animals or birds or trees inhale, Apana vayu is the air that exits etc…

The Vyana vayu is the one responsible for the PAIN FACTOR,

In Human or animal or bird bodies the Vyana vayu is 100% ACTIVE, so if the body gets hurt then we feelpain,

In Plant/Tree body, the Vyana Vayu is less than 1%, thats why we don’t see plants feeling pain.

Example, when a Goat is eating grass happily, if one starts cutting its leg on other side, will it continue eating while someone its cutting its leg. No, correct. It screams and runs away with pain because of Vyana vayu being 100% ACTIVE.

But in Plant/Tree, when it is blossoming, if one cuts a small trunk or branch of it, we don’t see the pain of the tree. Does it jerk or shake, it doesn’t correct. But It still feels some amount of pain which is not visible to us, since Vyana vayu is less than 1% and not zero/ or dormant in plants/trees.


That’s why Shastras says Praani Himsai to be avoided since it feels pain due to the VYana vaayu 100% active. and Trees/Plants doesn’t feel the pain as the Vyana vaayu is less than 1% active. That’s why Humans are suppose to be Vegetarians ONLY. Now we can answer anyone who intentionally ask why Meat eating is not allowed, Plants also has life, how can you eat it. Then, the above is the Answer.

So if a body part is hurt or cut in human or animal or bird, the millions of the Athma’s in that body part leaves, but the Primary Athma which relinquishes the karma is still in the man body heart feeling the pain.

Coming back to the Human body, it also has nails & hairs,

Th Vyana vayu is 100% active in all parts of body except being DORMANT on Nails & Hairs. That’s why, when we cut nails or hairs, there is NO Pain. IN each portion of the nail that is cut there are millions of Athmas sticking to it also that leaves with that portion of the nail/hair that was cut.

The next question that may pop-up is, How does Nail/Hair grow when it is Achit. The answer is because of the Athma’s Dharma BHootha GYanam spread on the body and it is spread on the nails/hair as well. So Body grows or changes with age or environments due to the Athma’s Dharma Bhootha Gyanam, so as the Nails/Hairs do.


Next is the Achit’s like Stone etc……Here the stone doesn’t have a PRIMARY Athma occupying  the stone, hence there is NO DHarma BHootha GYnam of an AThma occupying the Stone. Hence Swami says the AThma’s GYanam is Zero in Stone. Hence no VYana Vayu adhesive to join an AThmas DHarma BHootha Gyanam to the Stone body. Hence NO Pain for stone when split into pieces. So when a stone is cut into pieces, all the millions of AThmas in that portion of the stone sticking to it, leaves along with it like the millions of Athma’s in Nail/Hair cut portion.


All Credits due to Velukkudi Swami’s Aasrivadham and Acharya ThiruvAdi Bhalam,

Adiyen (ElayaAlwar) Srinivasa (Dhoddayacharyar) Dasan.

Sarvam SriKrishnarpanam Asthu

on April 12, 2020

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha,

As adiyen shared above, now Adiyen was able to recollect the actual references from Velukkudi Swami’s upanyasam s with Acharya ThiruvAdi Bhalam and Velukkudi Swami’s Aasirvadham,
1) Recent few days before “Acharya Hrudhayam Day72” Kalakshepam &
2) Few years back “Yatindra Mata Deepika” kalakshepam,

Adiyen (ElayaAlwar) Srinivasa (DhoddayAcharyar) Dasan.

on April 20, 2020

Srimate Ramanujaye Namaha!

Namskaaram, Swami. 

Thank you very much for the effort to give a beautiful detailed answer. It has helped me get better clarity.

To clarify further:

The primary Atma in human /animal body has  both Dharmik Gyanam, and DHarma BHootha GYnam and there are innumerable number of aatma inside human body. This part is clear.

What is not clear is, whether  the innumerable aatma inside human body or inside acit, they do not have both Dharmik Gyanam, and Dharma Bhotha Gyanam. is that correct? In that case how can we distinguish such gynam less aatma from acit?

sorry for the inconvenience.







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2 on April 20, 2020

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha,

Nandri Enpanifan Swami for the pious understanding due to Velukkudi Swami’s Aasirvadham.


Regarding devareer’s the surrogate query as.

“………………..This part is clear. What is not clear is, whether  the innumerable aatma inside human body or inside acit, they do not have both Dharmik Gyanam, and Dharma Bhotha Gyanam. is that correct? In that case how can we distinguish such gynam less aatma from acit?

The answer is already there in the above thread, however adiyen will RECAST the answer with Acharya ThiruvAdi Bhalam & Velukkudi Swami’s Aasirvadham


EACH JeevAthma’s with a body or without a body has BOTH Gyanams’ all the time. It depends up on whether that JeevAthma is the Primary Occupant of the body to “Exhibit its Gyanam &/or Relinquish the karmas” is what it makes it differ.


  • Dharmik Gyanam which is Common knowledge / Swaroopa Gyanam as Parathantran (Absolute Servitute)  / Sheshan (Servent) to the Swathantran / Sheshi (Master Sriman Narayanan). This knowledge is Pure “Suddha Satvam” knowledge. Each one of us  (JeevAthma) Posses where we are Hindus, Christians or Muslims etc…..
  • Dharma Bhootha Gyanam which its own knowledge accumulated due to its Vaasans/Karmas which covers the Dharmik Gyanam of that JeevAthma, which is why there is lot of differences in behavior of people and the structure of different religions/faiths etc exists…. This knowledge is “Mishra Satvam” knowledge (mixture of Rajo/Tamo/Satva)

So when A Particular JeevAthma is given a Human or Animal body or other bodies based on its Paapa/Punya karmas by BhagavAn Sriman NarayanA for us to relinquish karmas and do Sharangathy on HIS Lotus Feet, then that JeevAthma becomes the “Primary Occupant/Controller” of that Body located in the Heart of that Body (Human or Animal or Bird etc….). Hence that Primary Athma gets an opportunity to spread its Dharma Bhootha Gyanam through out that Body with Adhesive (5 Praana vaayus) connecting the Body and Dharma Bhootha Gyanam. due to which it feels pain/pleasure etc…depending up on which body it takes and no pain when it takes Plant/Tree body due to Vyana Vayu almost NOT active. Like each of us being the “Primary Athma” in our own respective body.


While other millions of JeevAthmas each also has both Dharmik Gyanam & its own Dharma Bhootha Gyanam though it is sticking to OUR same body, DOESN’T have an opportunity to spread its dharma Bhootha Gyanam on to that body and hence DOESN’T have further Adhesive (5 praana vaayus)  to connect its Dharma Bhootha Gyanam to this body, since it is not the Primary Occupant of that body, but we are the ones. Hence  such millions of other JeevAthmas  sticking on our body are considered EQUIVALENT to “NO Gyanam”. It doesn’t literally mean it has no gyanam, rather each has both Dharmik & Dharma Bhootha Gyanm but it is not Primary occupant of that body to exhibit its Gyanam &/or relinquish its karmas. Same way, like how they are sticking to our Achit body, they also stick to other Achits like stones, rocks etc…..where it cannot exhibit its both Gyanam’s and hence no further Adhesive Praana Vaayus to connect their Dharma Bhootha Gyanam to the stone or rock etc…. and hence they don’t undergo any pain or pleasure…..and nothing happens when the stone or rock is cut or split.


On a side Note, if devareer get opportunity, try to get Swami’s above two Kalakshepams as adiyen mentioned and listen with Swami Ramanujar ThiruvAdi Anugraham. It will provide clear answers. If KKT member ask devareer “do you have Acharya Samsrayanam, just say Yes”. If they ask further details, then just say, devareer is same Acharya Thirumaalaigai as Velukkudi Swami and get the CD’s. Since devareer is so much interested in these Tatvams, Swami will provide it, even if devareer didnot get Acharya Samasrayanam, since Swami will consider devareer as “Ramanuja Sambhandhi” due to devareer already saying “Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha”. Don’t worry.


Adiyen (ElayaAlwar) Srinivasa (DhoddayAcharyar) Dasan,

on April 21, 2020

Srimate Ramanujaye Namaha!


Dhanyosmi. It is quite clear now. Our body is also acit and other items like stone etc are also acit. All acit have innumerable number of Jeevatmas inside them.

But only in some acit( like living human/animal) there is a primary aatma with more higher consciousness and so has prana vaayu attachment to that acit body to relenquish its  karma/ to  serve. All other aatmas inside acit is dormant with their knowledge covered and waiting for an opportunity to get a body with prana vaayu attachement.

Happy to have clarified this understanding after a long time!

Reg the side note above, i would kindly request you to delete it if possible or with the help of administrator, it may be misused by others who may come across this.





on April 21, 2020

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha

Super observation
Yes Velukkudi Swamy has once told only single athmA will have priority on that body though uncountable athmAs reside in it.

Adiyen beg to differ to ElayaAlwar Swamy “hence no further Adhesive Praana Vaayus to connect their Dharma Bhootha Gyanam to the stone or rock etc…. and hence they don’t undergo any pain or pleasure…..”

* Doors, things kaalaala etti udhaikka koodathu
* Bhumi Adhira nadakka koodathu
* Bhu Bharam

We have heard these vAykyAs. Adiyen understand they will be induced with pain but they may not feel it

English people say pain is felt till the central nervous system beyond which pain not felt

The damage us still a damage

Bhumi dhAn achit achey apuram eppadi bhu bharam kuraikka perumal avatharithAr nu soldraa?

Achitkku valikkadhu so kaalala etti udhaithaal enna thavaru?

Bhumi adhira nadanthaal enna thavaru?

Adiyen understand all three are emperumAn’s shareeram so we have to respect chit & achit of course eeshwaran

We can understand from Srimad Ramayanam that Ahalya devi could have been a stone

(Could because the shApam was only invisibility it seems)

In Krishna avatharam the 🌲 🌲 tree duo became gandharva the ural incident

So athma is there in achit waiting to be invoked with dharma bootha gyAnam

Imagining ahma physically is a problem

When a stone is broken the same athma can resude in 2 broken stones please correct me


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0 on October 8, 2020

Namaskaram Vikram swamy,

Bhoomi is not achit. The things on the bhoomi is achit.

Bhoomi Devi is the wife of our perumal. So, she has 100 percent gyanam. Even aandal was an incarnation of bhoomi Devi. In her small age itself she revealed excellent knowledge.
So, the things above bhoomi (eg: stone, rocks,hills, trunk) are only achit and not bhoomi itself.

Next, if a stone breaks into two, new set of atmas reach the stone to reside in it and not the same atmas reside in both.

Please forgive me, if Adiyen had did any mistake.

Adiyen ramanuja dasan

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