Srimathe Ramanuajya Namaha,
In Kaumara sampradhaya, all the starting looks good, but finishing is not so great (like the comedian says “Starting எல்லாம் நல்லாத்தான் இருக்கு, ஆனால் Finishing சரிஇல்லையை“, like they talk about Chit, Achit, Paramathma, Liberation Moskha in their beginning and philosophical scriptures, which some people may get attached as “Oh what a nice scripture”, but the Ending story as Moksha here what they mean is “Kaivalyam“, just they stop at Athma Saakshaatkaaram (No Thayar and No Perumal), No ParamAthma Saakshaathkaram and NO further Nithya Kainkaryam in SriVaikuntam, totally different from what Alwars dont want to do.
To get this Kaivalya Moksha (low level), once who gets it has no recovery to get back to Kainkarya Arthis, this is the most Dangerous part. The Ironic thing is, it’s the Same Supreme Lord Almighty GOD SriKrIshna who has to give them, So they pray SriKrishna (No Mahalakshmi Thayar) in this Material world for a Moksha (liberation) where they are not going to serve them. It’s like asking our Parents Money, take care of me while I’m a kid, student, buy me a scooter, car, or home, but when I start working/get a job (Moksha), I don’t want to take care of YOU, I just want to Enjoy myself (Athma Saakshaaathkaaram).
Once SriKrishna grants such Kaivalya Moksha, there is NEITHER returning back to Samsaram NOR attaining the SriVaikuntam for Nithya Kainkaryam, but SriKrishna grants them with tearful heart, since HIS sotthu wants to enjoy themself without giving HIS happiness as priority,
So PeriyAlwar in Thirupallandu Paasuram Four, Seven, and Tenth calls for those KaivalyaArthis to come and Join us the Kainkarya Arthis. Alwars says, the general public who are Material desires are better than the Kaivalya Arthis beacuse, alteast even if they dont reach Moksha for Kainakaryam, they get opportunity to take rebirth and at some birth they will attain the Gyana to surrender to Supreme Lord for Nithya Vibhoothi Kainkaryam, but Kaivalya Arrthis are just stuck Forever neither can’t go up for Nithya Kainkaryam, nor can go to Samasram for rebirth.
Alwar Fourth Paasuram:
if kaivalyArthis attain kaivalya mOksham (place where the AthmAs enjoy themselves), they can never come out of it and do any service to emperumAn. Hence, Alwar is calling them, first by saying Edu Nilatththil (Kaivalya dhaama).
Edu nilaththil iduvadhan munnam vandhu engaL kuzhAm pugundhu
kUdum manam udaiyIrgaL varambozhi vandhu ollaik kUduminO
nAdu nagaramum nangu aRiya namO nArAyaNAya enRu
pAdum manam udaip paththaruLLIr vandhu pallANdu kURuminE
Before you give up your bodies thrown into (iduvadhan munnam) Kaivalya Dhaama (Edu nilaththil), if you are interested in joining us, give up the boundary (target) of enjoying only the AthmA, and join us. If you have the devotion to recite the divine ashtAkshara manthram (the divine manthram, of eight syllables, which extols SrIman nArAyaNa (Thayar Perumal Inclusvie), through which both those ordinary people who live in villages and the knowledgeable people who live in towns would know well about emperumAn, join us in praising emperumAn.
As Poorvacharyas says in vyakyanams as “அவனையும் அவளையும் பற்றி சோறு தேடுவாரும் (we all Ramanuja dasas). This is the final 11th stage of Purpose of life, whereas the Kaivalyas are at 9th stage of the purpose of life “தன்னையும் அவனையும் பற்றி சோறு தேடுவாரும், (no அவள் here) “
Here, ‘சோறு’ is not literally ‘food’, but ‘Purusharttham’ (means, Ones own Likes (Icchai)/ Destination (Lakshyam/Goal)/ Desires that they like VERY MUCH).
அவன் : means Sriman NarayanA
அவள்: means Sri Piratti
தன்னை: means, us the BhaddAthmas.
So let’s chant PeriyAlwar paasuram for those Kailvayla Arrthis to join us by chanting “Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha” for Nithya Kainkaryam.
Adiyen (ElayAlwar) Srinivasa (DhoddayacharyAr) dasan.