Why are you teaching about God during childhood?

Updated on September 17, 2023 in Good qualities for human
0 on September 17, 2023

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Srimathe Sri Varaha Mahadesikaya Namaha
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy Thriruvadigaley Sharanam
Sri Krishna Premi Swamy Thriruvadigaley Sharanam

W.R.T: EnPaNi 2949

My DK colleague asked
“Why are you teaching about God during childhood”?

Why don’t you let them discover on their own?

I replied:
We never force our children. They do as we practice. A child learns and imitates it’s father.

We Hindus never force anything on to anyone.

Same way it is not good to brainwash “there is no God” during childhood let them decide when they are mature.

In conclusion, I understand, DK wants to eradicate the structural integrity of our entire culture.

I have to speak out because adiyen see the urge in my Swamy in EnPaNi 2949

Deepavali – Air pollution – No crackers
Ganesh Chaturthi – Water pollution – No drowning
Mari Amman – Noise pollution – No speakers

Why restrictions are applicable only to Hindu festivals.

Why No ruling has been made for crackers during gregorian New Year celebrations ? Political Party victory celebrations?

No noise pollution during staged political events using big speakers?

No noise pollution on any other religious speakers?

Only In Bharat Majority need to suffer?

Why “Moral education” removed from education syllabus?

Is GTA Grand Theft Auto game preaching morals? To steal a car during childhood exposure is moral?

Varum mun kaapom?

By the way what is the significance of crackers during Deepavali?

My mother told that sound drives away evil spirits. Even in Chothanikkara Bhagawathi Amman temple crackers are used to drive away evil spirits. Is the understanding correct?

Please explain Swamy.


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