What good did perumAl do to you?

Updated on September 19, 2017 in General
0 on September 19, 2017

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha

A couple of friends asked me this question.

I politely asked back “Can you change your mother & father just because you feel no good under them?”

Just like mother’s love, PerumAl’s love is unconditional.

Do we need any reason to love him?

What is the purpose of reaching him?
“I get peace”, “I get Parama Anandam”
It’s wrong. No reason equals him.

The correct way of understanding
Anandam Para Brahmethi
is to get him reveals such ecstacy

Not ecstacy being the reason to get him

Instead of asking “Oh god please give me peace” let’s ask “Oh god please give me yourself”

He himself is the purpose. He is the bridge and he is the destination according to Upanishads & as per my Velukkudi Swami.

Please don’t ask me which Upanishad I forgot.


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