The Basic Principles for saying an “OPINION”

Updated on August 6, 2021 in General
6 on February 9, 2021

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha,


Namaskaram All Swami’s,


With Acharya ThiruvAdi Bhalam and Ammangaar Abhimaanam and Velukkudi Sri Krishnan Swami’s Aasirvadham,

Some informations about “Opinion” which is applicable to everyone one of us.

Everyone has the right to say OPINION since we are different JeevAthmas having variation in different “LIKES” (vassanas, imprints of our actions deposited in our Mind), “TASTES” (Ruchi, tendency to do a action based on Vaasanaas), with additional variation of three Gunas (Satva, Good), (Rajas, Aggression), (Tamas, Ignorance). It depends up on our daily activity how each of them is going to Populate. So a wise Bhaktha understands their opinion, since that wise Bhakta has crossed all these situations with Acharya Krupai, while others may be in process of getting Acharya Krupai. But everyone has Acharya RamanujAr Krupai.

So here is what a wise Bhaktha (Acharya or Mahan or a devotee) would share about the concept of “OPINION” which matches or inclusive of “Learned Scholars (Acharyas/Mahans) teachings/propaganda.


The Best Way to Offer An Opinion On Anything:
Giving an opinion is a common way of interacting with other people in formal and informal settings. Unsolicited opinions may be unwelcome, but most leaders/scholars find themselves being asked to express an opinion fairly often—and those with a reputation for wisdom are asked constantly.


If you want to give your opinion and you want to be heard, one must follow these principles:


1) First, make sure that the situation warrants an opinion.
There are many cases where silence is the wiser path.


2) Ask yourself if you’re the best person for expressing the opinion.
People will always come to learned people for an opinion, but there may be someone else on your family—or even in another area (like a skilled devotee in a temple or nearby)—who is better qualified to respond. In those cases, you build more personal credibility by recommending someone else than by giving your own opinion.


3) Start by listening politely or reading it calmly.
Before you express your opinion make sure to listen. You’ll know exactly what’s being asked of you, you may learn more about the issue in the process, and the person doing the asking will be more engaged and receptive.


4) Think before you speak or react.
Before you open your mouth to say something or write something, take a step back and think through exactly what you’re going to say/write. Consider your tone and make sure your word choices leave as little room as possible for misunderstanding or trouble. Maintain a professional demeanor and be mindful of your body language. Same way setup your mind by taking a deep breathe before you write. After that, it may not be even necessary to write, since it was just Mind’s thought process due to a mix of our likings and not useful for anyone. But some cases, mind will determine to write it since you are not owner of those thoughts since those thoughts came from listening to a learned scholar, so those words that we say or write will be wise. In this case, we don’t need to take a step back if anyone opposses the statements, since it is due to their ignorance. They may think, we are adamant, but no need to compromise.


5) Make sure you have all the facts lined up before you speak or write.
Everyone has the right to express their opinion, but make sure to do your research and know the facts first. The more you know, the more you can put into words what you mean to say/write. If the research was already by a Learned scholar, then just post it referring it to the scholar name. If unsure of scholar name, but your gut says “I’m going to post it, since it is constructive”, then just post it without any worry, since Almighty GOD will back us up. Still in some cases, there are chances that one may not like the post, since it may be due to their attachment to a different preconceived answer, or due to envy in-case someone else praises the speaker or writer. In these cases, just ignore them, since you are not responsible for their thinking.


6) Say or Write what you think in a detailed, straightforward manner.
Provide as many relevant specifics as possible when you give an opinion to ensure that people fully understand your point of view. Focus on the who, what, when, and where of the situation to make a detailed statement of your opinion.


7) Use “I” statements with humbleness in general or “Adiyen” statements specifically if everyone can understand it.

“Adiyen” statements are powerful because they promote connection and don’t make the others feel alienated or excluded. People often state opinions in a way that makes them sound like facts—a habit that puts off the people they’re trying to persuade. A simple preface like “Adiyen think…” or “In adiyens experience…” can be all you need.


8) Provide the reasons for your point of view.
Provide reasons and build a case to support your point of view. Your opinion gains credibility when it’s backed up with solid data (authentic source).

Some phrases to consider using:

In adiyens opinion…

From adiyen point of view…

Adiyen would say…

Adiyen impression is…

Adiyen think…

Speaking personally…

Adiyen of the opinion that ….


8) Lead from within:
Everyone has their own ways of expressing their opinions and we all have something to say/write, but finding ways to say/write it effectively is crossing half the river.



Adiyen believe each one of us are following one or more or all of the steps while expressing the opinion, but a “REPETITIVE” practice of all the steps each and every time helps to mold our Body language,  Mind Steadiness and inturn Soul Peace (Athma Nimmadhi) due to Acharya ThiruvAdi Bhalam.


All positive things are due to the One common Almighty GOD grace. Supreme SriKrshina says in crisp in BG 13.8 thru12 about these steps in a different style and HE says lot more than these steps.



Adiyen (ElayaAlwar) Srinivasa (DhoddayAcharyar) Dasan.

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I follow this criteria:

If there is a authentic sastric knowledge, then I accept it as such without any ‘my opinion’. 

If there is no explicit sastric knowledge (as far as I know), then I place ‘my opinion’ ‘my understanding’ for others’ view; I do so with a open mind, such that when someone shares a sastric source of knowldge ‘my opinion’ automatically aligns with the authentic sastric knowledge. 

adiyen dasan.

In expressing my thoughts, I try to use examples, analogies or stories heard from upanyasams or similar sources as far as my knowledge allows. If not, I give some mundane example most of us experience in our lives.

But I completely avoid using metaphors or examples from non-devotional sources such as movies, movie songs or fiction. I do not use modern research conclusions to support sastric knowledge. Sastric knowledge stands beyond our probe through research.

adiyen dasan.

on February 9, 2021

Srimate Ramanujaye Namaha,

Elayalwaar swami, i have a query regarding your above post..

Is the following website yours,

Because the skeleton of the above post and contents in the above page match very closely.

If it is not your page, may be a it is a good practice to cite the reference.

As you had indicated in the post “If the research was already by a Learned scholar, then just post it referring it to the scholar name.”

Nevertheless, the content of the post was useful on how to write well.. but the most important aspect of expression either speech or writing is humility which is pleasing, truthfulness and elevating others consciousness as Sri Krishna says in BG 17.15 

anudvega-karaṁ vākyaṁ
satyaṁ priya-hitaṁ ca yat
svādhyāyābhyasanaṁ caiva
vāṅ-mayaṁ tapa ucyate”

Austerity of speech consists in speaking words that are truthful, pleasing, beneficial, and not agitating to others, and also in regularly reciting Vedic literature.



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0 on February 10, 2021

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha,

Nandri Kambandasan Swami for feedback.

Yes that’s correct Enpanifan Swami,

Adiyen from very first post mention the word “SHARE” in each posts which means adiyen pull information from listening or reading  from hard copy books or online books and apply the best judgment relevant to the context. SO people think, adiyen is knowledgable and many have asked how do you write personally as wells as in  this forum.


So here is the honest answer that adiyen has given to them verbally which Adiyen also posted in the below link in the past when asked 

Namasankirtanam | Dharma Sandeha (


” Adiyen is only doing “PLAY-PAUSE-WRITE, REWIND-WRITE”,  and/or “CUT-COPY-PASTE-WRITE”, using 2 types of buddhi “Ooha Buddhi and Apohaartha buddhi” out of the 8 types of Buddhi that each one possesses. Other than that, Adiyen though Chit don’t have any Gyanam due to covered with something. So far, All credits are due to Acharya ThiruvAdi Bhalam and Ammangaar Abhimaanam and Velukkudi Sri Krishnan Swami’s Aasirvadham and BhagavAta Sangamam.”
But People don’t believe Adiyen’s response as said above, rather they are considering Adiyen is Knowledgebase and has Humility as responded by a Bhakta in the same above link, what to do?…..
Eitherway, A SriVaishanavite need to keep an open mind to pull good information’s from wherever it is available to use it in a constructive purpose and Customize some items from what we have read, if it doesn’t suit for the context as the above information posted without altering the Good Intented message. So Adiyen liked the formatting in that link, hence Adiyen didnot want to alter he headings and some of the sentences, but the some content needs to be customized fit for this forum, since each and every steps are same as what Adiyen has heard in Velukkudi Swami’s “Vidhura Neethi“, may be scattered in different audios. Also most of the above steps, Swami has mentioned in couple of Enpanis like Enpani #600,“Study Opinion & Debate”, Enpani #552 “Clarification from my side”. etc……So it is appealing to use these already written format from the internet link in this context…….So every information that we speak or write will be already said by someone, so its nota surprise, but only thing is that how the “FIRST HAND INFORAMTION” was received to a particular person in first place. Like our first hand information is from Velukkudi Swami, but is that information new, No, its already old since Swami received it from HIS Guru. They are Bigger Scale Devotees, we are Smaller scale devotees, so our First hand  information will be from Swami or other Gurus or books or from Internet etc…….like this thread above posted information is already old (partially from the above internet link as devareer posted but partially from Swami’s audios), but to everyone reading this forum, it is First hand information from Adiyen in this collaboration sequence…..Same story applies to any speaker or writer……..Does it clear the doubht. 
Hence Adiyen always mention the reference Upanyasam topic name all the time if remembered, if not Adiyen just say Swami has said it, or if Adiyen heard it from multiple Gurus speeches, then Adiyen say “Asmadh Sarva Grubhyo Namaha”, or Adiyen say as “from Google Acharyan…etc…
Each of Adiyen posts follow this trend……
Adiyen (EalayAlwar) Srinivasa (DhoddayacharyAr) Dasan.
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0 on August 6, 2021

Dhanyosmi ElayaAlwar Swamy 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

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0 on August 6, 2021

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha

Sukha Brahamam Swamy himself has Parrot beak because he just relfected that there already inspite of being creative.

Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy used to say:
I will keep repeating all the scriptures, what will I say new?

Great mahans say like that while we children will try to learn speaking. We children when we. Speak wrong, that is also to be appreciated.

Swamy Desikan says:

Give me 1000 tongues of Adisesha , then I will say “I cannot sing about you Narayana”.

To tell I cannot sing, Swamy Desikan required 1000 tongues


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