Swamy seemingly contradicting, why property will think?

Updated on May 3, 2022 in Good qualities for human
13 on April 29, 2022

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Srimathe Sri Varaha Mahadesikaya Namaha
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy Thiruvadigaley Sharanam

Ref: EnPaNi 2456

அறிவு குறைந்தவர்கள் ஆக இருக்கிறோம்
சொத்து எதற்கு கவலை படும்?

அறிவு எதை குறிக்கிறது?

குறைந்த அறிவு இருக்கவே தானே கவலை ஏற்படுகிறது?

முழு அறிவு என்றால் என்ன?

இங்கு சொத்து என்ற பதம் அசித்தை குறிப்பது போல உள்ளதே

அறிவுடைய சொத்து கவலை படாமல் எப்படி இருக்கும்?


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2 on April 29, 2022

Hari Om

Arivu refers to KNOWLEDGE – about   God, Individual soul, and Universe.

Sotthu refers to Individual soul being a part of the Whole – Chit, Achit and Paramatma ( Svagata bheda – the internal variety or difference within One ) 

The individual soul worries because of incomplete or erroneous knowledge that the individual soul is Independent of Paramatma. 

The individual soul ceases to worry after gaining the complete Knowledge that The individual soul controls the individual body & mind only in accordance with the cosmic or universal body & mind controlled by the Supreme Lord. Therefore the Jivatma cannot function by itself independent of the Supreme Lord.

Dukkha nivarthi – ceasation of worry is possible only with strong conviction, prayer and surrender to the Supreme Lord. 

Pranam Swamiji






on April 30, 2022


“Therefore the Jivatma cannot function by itself independent of the Supreme Lord.”

How do you differentiate? JivAthmA is functioning independently are dependently of Supreme soul?

What is the scale?

Does Jeeva SwAthanthriyam persists after your so-called “complete knowledge” or does it cease to exist?

After Sharanagathi if I eat vengaya pakoda am I functioning independently or that too is Bhagavath AgnyayA?

My question was very simple, achith will not think. being non-sentient Chith will think. being sentient.

Though we are property of Perumal according to Vedam “Yasya Athma Shareeram yasya prithvi Shareeram”

Does property’s consensus required to reclaim? What matters if property thinks or not?

I create AI robot. AI stops responding to my commands. Will I stop controlling it?


on May 2, 2022

Hari Om

No action is devoid of Result

Jeeva Swathanthriyam always persists. The Jeeva can perform any action but cannot avoid its consequences. Only Paramatma is incharge of dispensing the fruits of our actions. The mind and the intellect are the valuable instruments provided by the lord to us (Since Mankind is his most Prized possession)  in order  to discriminate and determine our course of action. These instruments must be used in pursuit of knowledge which leads to the Jeeva becoming a Mumukshu. 

Vellukudi Sri Krishnan Swamiji has explained many times that the Lord never disturbs anyone’s actions,  It is the Jeeva who has to express his wish to reach him. In fact, It is not enough just to wish but one should call with great urgency and be ready to drop everything at the very moment. This certainly requires much more than consensus.

Pranaam Swamiji




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0 on April 29, 2022

Srimate Raamanujaye Namaha,

Swami I had a related question but perhaps the answer given above may be applicable to my question as well.

Yes accepted that we are Bhagawan’s property and Bhagawaan will take care, which means he will arrange circumstances to help us move toward bhakti and saranagathi to reach back home to Godhead. so for that no need to worry as He is the owner and incharge.

But I have my own material desires and worldly attachments (due to identification with body instead of soul- perhaps Krishan assumes after Chapter 2 this problem should not come:)-), which the Lord may or may not approve (as it may or may not be good in absolute terms) , that is the main cause of worry.




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அறிவுடைய சொத்து கவலை படாமல் எப்படி இருக்கும்?From vikraminside

What Anuradha-amma has stated is true.

அறிவுள்ள குழந்தை ‘அப்பா இருக்கிறார் பார்த்துக்கொள்ள’ என்ற தைரியத்தில் கவலை இல்லாமல் இருக்கிறது. 

அறிவுள்ள மனிதனோ ‘அடுத்த நொடி என்ன ஆகும்?’ என் 80 வயதில் என்ன ஆகும் என்று கவலைபட்டுக்கொண்டிருக்கிறேன்!


on April 30, 2022


Adiyen think devareer need to correct Arivulla vs Arivilaa

Why does a baby cry? Adhan parthukolla oruvar irukkanumey.

Ignorance is not bliss

NammAzhwAr madhiri irukka vendiyadhu dhaney.


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0 on April 30, 2022

காது கேட்காத தவளை
“உன்னால் முடியாது”
என்ற சொற்கள் காதில் விழாமையால்
கிணற்றில் இருந்து வெளியே ஏறி வந்ததாம்

இதை மட்டும் வைத்து காது கேட்காதது (காது கேளாமை ignorance)
சொற் பேச்சு கேளாமை நல்லது
என்று கூறி விட முடியுமா?

அது போல இருக்கிறது உங்கள் விளக்கம்

என்னை பார்துகொள்ள ஒருவர் இருக்கிறார்
தன்னை பற்றியே கவலை இல்லாமல் இருப்பவர்களுக்கும்
என்னை யாராவது பார்த்துக்கொள்வார்
என்பதற்கும் நிறைய வேறுபாடு உள்ளது

குழந்தையின் அறியாமை
அறிவு என்பது போல் சித்தரிப்பது தவறு

பூர்ண அறிவு என்பது
என்பதே கிடையாது
குறைந்த அல்லது அதிக
அறிவு இருக்க வாய்ப்பு உண்டு
வேறுபாடு காண்பிக்க (comparatively)

அறிவிற்கு எல்லை கிடையாது

கடவுளுக்கும் சரி
கடவுளின் சொத்த்தான நமக்கும் சரி


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0 on April 30, 2022

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha

என் மந்தையில் இருந்து இரண்டு ஆடுகள்
வேறு வேறு பாதையில் போகின்றன
இரண்டும் சந்திக்கும் பொழுது
பேச முடியவில்லையே….

ஆடு எப்படி பேசும்? – நடிகர் கவுண்டமணி

அது போல் சொத்து க்கு அறிவு இருந்தால் என்ன இல்லாட்டி என்ன? – விக்ரம் சீனிவாசன்


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4 on April 30, 2022

Let’s assume all achiths like me suddenly get some arivu
Starts declaring
We are not Perumal’s property
Will it make any change or difference?

Illa Perumal dhan vituda porara? Indha comparison itself is thappu in my abhiprayam

Sky doesn’t know existence of Earth
Earth doesn’t know sky
But you know both
So you are bigger than them says Veda

We can be bigger than them doesn’t mean just because we know we become submissive or non submissive to Perumal

Technically this arivu is an hindrance in my opinion

It is better to be achith

Let’s take this paasuram as pramANam

Emperuman malayil edhenum aveney
Padiyai kidamthu un pavazha vaai kaanbeney naar aazhwar


அறிவுள்ள குழந்தை ‘அப்பா இருக்கிறார் பார்த்துக்கொள்ள’ என்ற தைரியத்தில் கவலை இல்லாமல் இருக்கிறது. 
அறிவுள்ள மனிதனோ ‘அடுத்த நொடி என்ன ஆகும்?’ என் 80 வயதில் என்ன ஆகும் என்று கவலைபட்டுக்கொண்டிருக்கிறேன்!From கம்பன்தாசன்


என்று அடியேன் கூறியது தெளிவாக இல்லை என்று தெளிவாக தெரிகிறது தாங்கள் குழம்பி இருப்பதை கண்டபின். மன்னிக்கவும்.

அப்பா இருக்கிறார் என் அனைத்து தேவைகளையும் கவனிக்க என்ற ஞானம் இருப்பதாலேயே குழந்தை கவலை இன்றி இருக்கிறது. The child has to simple remain as a child of the parent and have parent-child loving interactions. The parents are happy with the child. All natural needs of the child are automatically taken care of. The child has no anxiety of anything.


We learn from our acharyas that “our eternal loving parents are always taking care of us in all ways. We need not worry about the past or the future. Every moment we can simply, consciously be a child to our eternal parents.” The more we are able to realise this knowledge and sustain it, the less we keep worrying about our existence. But unlike the ‘child’ in the previous paragrah, we tend to lose ourselves in ‘material cloud’ and fail to see the presence of our Parent.


B. Personally I don’t want to give up my free will and consciousness; I want to remain a ‘cit’. Because only with cit I can do kainkaryam for my Parents. If I choose to remain acit, I will not have the ability to desire for and engage in kainkaryam for Their pleasure.

When it comes to ‘my needs’ I prefer to imitate an acit; i.e. not have any desire of my own; because I am fully aware my parents are taking care of me.

In contract, when it come to ‘my kainkaryam’ to Them, I want to be fully conscious without any material contamination. I want to have deeper and deeper desire for kainkaryam and engage in the kainkaryam for Their pleasure.

How I wish I can actually reach that stage! Thanks to my acharyan for giving me this knowledge and the desire to reach that stage. By his anugraham I will be able to give up all material contaminations (கசடுகள் முற்றும் நீங்கி) and reach that stage soon.

adiyen dasan.


on May 2, 2022

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha


Great devareer

“Every moment we can simply, consciously be a child to our eternal parents.”

Lovely 🌹

“Because only with cit I can do kainkaryam for my Parents”

One branch question:
Kainkaryam should we take up as volunteers until they assign us or we can do anything we want that will supposedly please them?

For eg: Some people buy gifts for marriage. Like clock. Almost every presenter will give clock.

One of my friend asked me “What you want?” & Bought me DVD player.

So which is correct


Vikram swamy,

when you buy something for your child, you don’t ask him what he wants. You spontaneously know what he likes and you want to do that very thing he likes.

That is the nature of love. A mother is fully absorbed in her love for the child she exactly knows what the child needs and she also desires to do the same; her desire is not in “I want to do this”; her desire is “I want to keep my child happy”. So, whatever gives happiness to the child is what she naturally likes to do.

Similarly for all loving relationships. That is because, this is just a imitation of our original loving relationship with our master.


So, there question “should I do what I like to do, or should I do what the recipient likes to receive” does not exist in a loving relationship.

adiyen dasan. 

on May 3, 2022

Ok Swamy
Thank you

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