Sandhya vandanam

Updated on June 27, 2020 in Karma
7 on August 30, 2018

If Sruti is the authority for Sandhya vandanam, some of my friends tell me that ‘Pranayamam’, ‘Shuklambaradhara japam’, etc., were originally not part of the karma and these were just added later.

Are these just add-ons to the original karma outlined in our granthams?

Request clarification from vedic scholars.


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0 on July 17, 2018

Can somebody throw some light, please?

After all, it doesn’t really matter whether this is an add-on or part of the original karma.

But our poor mind is just curious to know!


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2 on August 10, 2018

Requesting a reply, please

I don’t intend disturbing Swamiji with such petty questions.

At least somebody in the group with exposure to Sruti/Smruti can consider answering.


on June 27, 2020

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Srimathe Sri Varaha Mahadesikaya Namaha
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy Thiruvadigaley Sharanam
Sri Velukkudi Ranganathan Swamy Thiruvadigaley Sharanam

Sriman NArAyaNa Preethyartham
Sriman NArAyaNa Kainkarya roopam
Sri Parameshwara Preethyartham

What difference does it make to us?

In some kAlAtheetha dosha prAyaschithArtham is mentioned in some books its not

So we follow whatever our elders followed in our lineage or our guru taught

In earlier procedure there was no kAyena vAchA
now it is there. In old only Sriranga mangala nidhim was there.

In Asana mantrasya procedure old book I remember reciting “koormAsanAya nama:” etc

In current book the shlokA is not there only nyAsam is there

In old book “Aadhithya mandaley dhyAyeth ” shlokam was there in current book its not there

More the ShlokA more the experience

So adiyen try to tell all


on June 27, 2020

Also evening also East facing while recommended is west facing.
So anushtAnam will change according to pAta bedham.

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  • Liked by
0 on September 1, 2018


I am not qualified to answer this question.

But based on Swami’s request, for such questions, if it is possible can you quote the sloka from the grantham that you or your friend are referring to claim the point?

From then on it will be easier for others to answer as well.



  • Liked by
1 on September 3, 2018

How do we maintain the timings of our Nithyanushtanams during travel?



on June 27, 2020

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
PrAyaschitha Argyam for late procedure

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