Problems in applying the do’s and don’ts told by god

Updated on May 19, 2017 in General
1 on May 7, 2017

Perumal has told do’s and don’ts in the Purana’s, Upanishads, bhagavath Gita, etc. While reading these things seem to be nice but when it comes to applying these in our life we realise that only some can be applied and not all. Even that some can be applied only after undergoing small problems. Why do we have to face problem when it comes to applying those do’s and don’ts in our life?

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Hare Krishna! Namaskaram!

The scriptures says, its all due to the past karma. The Jiva carries the mind and other senses from past birth like the air carrying aroma (Bhagavad Gita Sloka 15.8). Someone easily practices Bakti maargam because of past karma and others find it difficult for the same reason. However, its not our effort alone that helps but also the mercy of the lord himself. The more we are sincere in our efforts, lord will also shower mercy and make it easy.

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