offer food before eating

Updated on April 27, 2018 in Daily rituals and practice
19 on April 21, 2018

 It is said that one must offer food to Perumal and only take His prasadham. Does this also hold for kai vaidhyam like melagu kashayam, vepillai etc that we take every now and then to promote good health? That is, do we have to offer neem leaves, kashayam etc to Perumal before taking them?

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0 on April 22, 2018

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Yes . “Whatever you eat offer to Sriman NArAyanA ” is my AchAryan’s instruction.

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Srimathe Ramanuajya Namaha,

Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami Guruve Namaha,


Yes Adiyen.

Adiyens understanding is Swami has said that Swami NamAlwar says “உண்ணும் சோறு, பருகும் நீர், தின்னும் வெற்றிலை எல்லாம் கண்ணன் “.

(Rice/Grains/Dhaanyam we consume, Water we drink, Thaavaram/vegetables/herbs we consume, All are Kannan and for Kannan).


ஸ்ரீகிருஷ்ண பகவான் கீதையில் ஒரு பக்தன் எப்படி இருக்க வேண்டும் என்று சொன்னாரோ அது போல் நமது நம்மாழவார் இருந்து காட்டினார் .


“தாரகம்,  போஷகம்,  போக்கியம்,  சர்வம் வாசுதேவ”.


Adiyen SriVelukkudi Krishna Dasan,

Uyya Oraey vazhi UdayavAr ThiruvAdi,

Sarvam SriKrishnarpanam Asthu

on April 24, 2018

Dear Bhakatas,

When one has elevated to such an high level one will not depend on medicines and this problem will not arise.. but until then offering Kashayams and medicines to Perumaal does not seem practical.

There are so many complexities involved in that.. we dont know the ingrideints of the medicine fully, was it prepared with right mood and in clean can we offer kashayam with love to Perumaal?




on April 24, 2018

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha

Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy has said “Udayavar has offered kashayam to SriRanganAtha swamy when latter got cold”

Day before adiyen for fever, yesterday adiyen took medicine saying “Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha”

Now we know what is practical


on April 24, 2018

Yes medicines can be taken in a prayerful mood by chanting Guru and perumaal nammam…
What I meant is we cannot offer medicines in offering plate and do amsai….

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0 on April 24, 2018

Bhavan in srimad bagavad Geetha has told that anything that is ate without offering to God is eating sin/papam itself. If we have offered everything then if we get cold the bagavan residing within us might have also got it. That can as well be given with love. Our nammperumal takes such medicines regularly from dhanvantri swami and also many Divya desa Perumal accept so, based on bhaktas desire. When there are circumstances like we really don’t feel like offering due to some reason Wil pray to bagavan to make it satvika food, remove all doshams pray for forgiveness n eat.. instead of offering.


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2 on April 24, 2018

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha

Adiyen have this practice, even if I eat Maggi, adiyen offer to my Acharya and eat.
Am sure it’s not sAthvika food as per ahara niyamam but let it be. As long adiyen wish to sacrifice the taste of toungue and practice true vairagyam will keep following this procedure.

Just like adiyen follow EkAdeshi vratham rigorously one by one I wish to leave everything let’s see.

“One day Rishi Vishwamitra was about to starve to death. Swamy went near dog’s back meat (prushta bhAgam) to eat and swamy got alternative better food and finally he did penance for 50000 years for allowing the body to crave for survival.” (Dharmam: Aapath KAla vidhi. Anything is allowed for survival rule) Ref: Hari Vamsam Anantha Padmanabhachariyar Swamy SVBC2 channel 4:30PM IST daily upanyasam.

In one WhatsApp message adiyen read “Kanchi Maha Periyava asked for one more karandi of ThiruKannamudhu (or similar) and did not eat went on vratham for around a week or so till Swami lost desire for that taste of toungue”

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha

on April 25, 2018

Namaskaram  Swami,

Coincidentally after i read your message yesterday , today morning in whatsapp there was a message about how instant noodles contain wax coating (type used in stryofoam containers) and that wax makes them appear non-sticky..our body needs two days to clear this wax. I tried uploading the picture sent.. but admin has disabled image uplaod feature.

So i thought this information will be helpful in avoiding instant noodles etc..



on April 25, 2018

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya

Yes adiyen know eating noodles is wrong. Have drastically reduced it. Rare occasions when food cannot be prepared i resort to it. Will leave it one day fully.

Similarly coffee addiction. Can I live without coffee
Adiyen tried and found that I can live without it or even without an alternative.

Ahara Niyamam:
1. We should not be eating anything grown below the ground. Eg: Potato and potato chips avoid. Better avoid all foreign based vegetables (Difficult)
2. We should not eat anything kept in fridge or that has grown old more than its valid time or natural freshness. Then what will I do with the fridge? (Difficult)
3. No onion or garlic only sAthvik (Doable)
3. Do not drink the milk from cow that is named “PArvathi”. Do we really know where the milk is coming from? (Difficult)

Idhellam Namma oorla nadakara kadhaiyA?

Ok adhere what is best possible that’s all


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2 on April 25, 2018

Ahara niyamanam for Vaishnava for whom pancha samskaram is over .. as said by our swami n adiyen Acharya combined is as below.. looks comparatively simpler

No onion garlic
Should have home prepared food, and consume within 4 hours of preparation or satvik food prepared by srivaishnava people whom we know, both after neyvedyam done to perumal after bath sitting on ground
No coffee no tea
Milk, ghee, curd, batter etc can b kept in fridge/consumed after more than 4 hours but ‘pathu’ shd be followed to keep its freshness intact

Ekadashi days fruits n milk n water is fine.

Whatever we can’t do due to dire circumstances, sing karavaigal pinn sendru.. ask for kshma and keep that guilt so that we don’t keep repeating (from adiyen, so pls ignore :))

Requesting our Krishnan swami to highlight again on same.


on April 25, 2018



Please elaborate or clarify “sitting on ground” phrase. I am unable to understand the same.



on April 26, 2018

Shastras prescribe that we do all prescribed things like yaga yagyam thapas etc with bhoo sparsham.. ie by sitting on the ground/floor. Padmasan posture is scientifically too prescribed for eating. Kindly listen to our Swami’s upanyasam in this link.. first n last 15 min. Swami has covered ahara niyamanam in good detail.


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Sri Ramanuja Munaye Namaha,
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami Guruvae Namaha,

Beautiful conversations Bhagavatas about Ahara niyamans.

Ahara niyamanam is for “BODY”. So if followed knowingly that Acharyan and Shastras has said to do it, then BhagavAn gets HAPPY which results in our Satva Guna improvement.

2) PanchaSamskaram/Samasrayanam/Prapatti/Nyasam is for “ATHMA”.
Means “Returning The Stolen Property”.
Reference from Swami’s “KaNNuniN SiruThAmbhu” paasuram 5 “நம்பினேன் பிறர் நன்பொருள் தன்னையும் ”
நம்பினேன்: I believed,
பிறர்: Others (BhagavAn),
பொருள்: any Property,
நன்பொருள்: ‘நன்’ is Chit JeevaAthma Property (பொருள்),
தன்னையும்: its mine (myself).

Means ” I believed others (Bhagavan) property (JeevAthma ) is mine for many janmas by beleving in “ourselves and devatas”, so FINALLY in one janma, we go and return to BhagavAn the stolen property (ourselves) by Acharya Samasrayanam.


So we following Ahara Niyamanan after Pancha Samskaram is for healthy body/Satva guna improvement for “Kainkaryam” rest of this life, but for Moksham “SriVaikunta Praapthi” in this Janma, we don’t need to do anything, since we have returned BhagavAn’s stolen property via Acharya Samasrayanam..


Many follow Ahara niyamanam ‘without’ Pancha Samskaram, it will only keep their body healthy/Satva guna improve, but NO moksham (SriVaikuntam), since Bhagavan’s stolen property is not returned via Acharya Samasrayanam (Athma Samarpanam). So Another janma will follow like past janmas. No Permanent relief.

Vice versa, After Pancha Samskaram, if Ahara niyamanam is not followed, then our body willnot be healthy and Satva guna willnot improve, so we will be in relentless state rest of the life, but Moksham (SriVaikuntam ) is ‘Gauranteed’, since we have returned the stolen property (Ourselves Athma) to Bhagavan via Acharya Samasrayanam (Ramanuja Sambhandham). So No next janma. Permanent Relief.

This is adiyen’s understanding from Swamis pravachanams and Acharya Krupai.

Adiyen Sri Velukkudi Krishna Dasan,
Uyya Oraey Vazhi UdayavAr ThiruvAdi,
Sarvam SriKrisharpanam Asthu,
Sarvam Sri Krishna Kudumbham.

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0 on April 25, 2018

Namaskarams to all.

Thank you to all bhaktas/bhagavathas for answering my doubt. I have a habit of eating neem leaves every morning, so just to clarify, I should put those neem leaves in a plate, put tulasi on it, do naivedyam to Perumal reciting “… vepilai naivedayami …..” etc and offer and then take. Is my understanding correct?

Once again thank you all very much.

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Sri Ramanuja Munaye Namaha,
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami Guruvae Namaha,

Narayana Bhagavata,

Adiyen understanding from Swamis pravachanams,

Primarily, For cooked food, add ghee and do neivedhyam in perumal ull (prayer room) after thiruaradhanai. Other items like fruits/neem leaves etc.., use theertham from Udhriniyam and offer to SriKrishna in prayer room. If neem leaves or drinking water in other times, offer to Srkrishna photo in home or in wallet. If consuming it outside , think about SriKrishna maanasikam and eat/drink and say Sarvam SriKrishnarpanam Asthu.

Say Thiruppavai paasuram “Koodarai vellum seer Govinda……” while offering. Follow what Bhaktas Acharyan finally says to do.

Adiyen Sri Velukkudi Krishna Dasan,
Uyya Oraey Vazhi UdayavAr ThiruvAdi,
Sarvam SriKrisharpanam Asthu

on April 26, 2018

Thank you so much for clarifying, will follow as per your advice.  Adiyen yet to get acharyan ashrayam. 


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Sri Ramanuja Munaye Namaha,
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami Guruvae Namaha,

Bhagavata is already in Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami Thiruvadi Ashrayam is same UdayavAr ThiruvAdi sambhandham.

Adiyen Sri Velukkudi Krishna Dasan,
Uyya Oraey Vazhi UdayavAr ThiruvAdi,
Sarvam SriKrisharpanam Asthu,
Sarvam Sri Krishna Kudumbham. .

on April 27, 2018

Thank you so much for saying we are already in Swamy’s and Sri Ramanujar Thiruvadi Sambhandham.

Feeling so blessed!

Having neem leaf after offering with theertham and Koodarai pasuram.


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0 on April 26, 2018

Happy upcoming EkAdeshi to all bhagavathas

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