Mitra BhAvEna – God accepts disguise?

Updated on October 24, 2023 in Good qualities for human
0 on October 24, 2023

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Srimathe Sri Varaha Mahadesikaya Namaha
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy Thriruvadigaley Sharanam
Sri Krishna Premi Swamy Thriruvadigaley Sharanam

I know I am a fake devotee. Does God still like me?

मित्र भावेन सम्प्राप्तम् न त्यजेयम् कथंचन |
दोषो यदि अपि तस्य स्यात् सताम् एतद् अगर्हितम् ||६-१८-३

“By any means, I do not desert anyone who arrives with a friendly appearance, even if he has a defect. His acceptance is irreproachable in the eyes of good men”

“Mitra BhAvena”

Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy said: “Hey Hanuman, even you did not understand my nature, I will accept even if anyone comes in disguise as friendship” during Vibheeshana SharanAgathi phase.

My questions:
Did SriRam accept SoorpanaKha the same way as Vibheeshana?

As a girl she wanted to marry Rama. Didn’t Dasaratha have more than one wife? So, in what way SoorpanaKha was wrong Vibheeshana was right?

What is this acceptance SriRam is talking about?

When SriRam says, “on the pretext of friendship also fine”

Why he did not like Hanuman coming in disguise? Why he asked SriLakshman to speak because a minister will speak only to minister?

Sri Ram is Poorva BhAshi right! So he will speak first even before his opponent speaks coming down from the status of an emperor? Why he refrained from speaking first to Hanuman?

Poora BhAshi, Mitra BhAvena
Looks like Sri Ram’s actions are contradictions to his words?


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