Knowing so much why didin’t vishwamitra or vasishta do SharanAgathi?

Updated on June 21, 2017 in Avatars
1 on June 18, 2017

We say Srimad Ramayana is a SharanAgathi shAstram. If so, why didin’t maharishis do SharanAgathi for moksha? Like great vasishta, vishwamitra (aham vedmi mahaatmaanam raamam Sathya paraakramam) and so on…

Or they have done long back and we don’t know? Are they druptha prapannas satisfied to live their lifetime? If so, like brahma they have very long lifetime spanning across yugas to get into moksham? (Vaikuntam puguvadhu mannavar vidhiye)

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0 on June 21, 2017

Adiyen got one answer,
Udayavar and maharishi lived for our good. If they attained salvation we won’t get to know about it.

Also Velukkudi Swami also explained in one upanyasam that Azhwars sang for us and did not get engrossed fully in their anubhavams.

If they got engrossed, we wouldn’t get to know about Perumal from their songs.

Vishwamithra the name implies friend to the world. As a yogi Swami was helping us.

Closing this question

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