Is bhagavan an equal opportunity employer?

Updated on September 17, 2018 in Karma
5 on August 25, 2018

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha

When adiyen asked my Muslim classmate during college days as to why children are born with defects? He said god is testing every individual in the only birth.

Adiyen said it’s due to previous birth’s karma. So multiple birth makes more sense. He agreed hesitantly!

But adiyen got a question now:
If all of us ought to undergo karma why Nithya Suri are never a baddhAthmA? Why are they never born? How can Sriman NArAyanA be considered equal to every jeevA?

Is bhagavan giving equal opportunity for everyone?

Please explain


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  • VisishtadvaitaVedanta

Sri Ramanuja Munaye Namaha,

Sri Velukkudi krishnan Swami Guruve Namaha,

Yes Vikram BhagavAta,

BhagavAN Sriman NarayanAN is the ONLY one who gives EQUAL Opportunity to everyone. Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami has said it in the past as below in different upanyasams.

Since we all call oursleves as Bhaktas, then it means we believe SINCELRY/TRUELY in everything that BhagavAN has said about us, and How HE has starts HIS shristi to help us by giving us a body and necessary environmnet like Alwars/Acharyas/Mahans for our Spiritual upliftment .

BhagavAN has said, we BhaddhAthmas have “ANAADHI” kaala karmas (no start date), so we Bhaktas (followers of BhagavAn) ACCEPT it since BhagavAN has said it in shastras, and HE is the one, who decides which BhaddAthma to be granted Moksham in which Janma.

BhagavAN has said, ALL JEEVATHMAS either in SriVaikuntam/Nithya VIbhoothi (NithayAThmas or Nithya Sooris), or BhaddAThmas (in Samsaram/Leela Vibhoothi) are both SAME QUALITY (Gyana Swaroopam & Parathantra swaroopam).



1) When both JeevAThmas QUALITY is same, then why two different names, becasue Nithya Athams had NO KARMAS for ANAADHI Kaalam. WHy they don’t have NO KArmas for ANAADHi Kaalm, is because BhagvAn has said it is Shastras as Nithya ATmas are “ASprishta Samsara Gandhargal“, means Samsaratthin Vaasanai ariyaadhavargal for Annadhi Kaalam.

2) Nithya AThma has been in Nithya VIbhoothi for ANAADHI KAALAM (never been in Samsaram/LeelaVibhoothi), and BhaddAThma (all of us) are in Leela VIbhoothi for ANAADHI Kaalam (never been in SriVaikuntam). We JeevAThmas true QUALITY (Gyana/Parathantra swaroopam) in Smasaram is covered with “Karmas/Vaasani/Ruchi/Kaalam/Prakrutha mandalam. for ANAADHI Kaalam hence Avidhya,, so we undergo Karma-Janma-Karma, where are NithyAthmas are “Asprishta Samsara Gandhargal. Samsaratthil BHaddha pattu irukkum Jeevathmas are called as BHaddAThmas (all of us). So, we accept it, since BHagavAN has said it in shastras, and we want to be called oursleves as Bhaktas (followers of BhagavAn).



Swami beautifully says a conversation between Perumal & Thayar.

They both are worried about their children BhaddAthmas in Samsaram.

* One Child is “PaduKaranan“, means one who is healthy with no disabilities. They are the NithyAthmas.

* Another child is “VikalaKaranan“, means a disabled child (handicapped). We all BhaddhAThmas are those child.

So Thayar-Perumal focus is more on the VikalaKaranan child, and they less care about PaduKaranan child, since padukaranan child can take care of themselves.


கர்ம வசத்தால் சம்சாரத்தில் அநாதி காலமாக கஷ்ட படும் என் குழந்தையை எப்படியாவது காப்பாற்ற வேண்டும் என்ற சிந்தனையில் தயார் பெருமாள் தவிக்கின்றார்கள் .


So Thayar-PErumal shows PARTIALITY to BhaddAThmas than the NithyAThmas.

So, who gets more attention of Thayar-Perumal KARUNAI/KRUPAI, only WE the BhaddhAtmas gets full attention, since NithyaAthmas are least priority for them.



So, Thayar-PErumal gives EQUAL OPPORTUNITY for all BhaddAThmas (Vikalakaranan child) to become a MukAThma and enjoy the same privileges as a NithyaAThma (PaduKaranan child), once we are a Sharanagathan in Thayar-Perumal LOTUS feet.


So, the goal is, we BhaddhAthams should realize that Thayar-Perumal is taking ALL the EFFORTS to take us to SirVaikuntam (Peru Veedu/Moksham), so that we all can get the get the same previlage as NIthyaAThmas and not the other way as why NithyaAThmas were never BhaddAthmas, since PErumal has already said, for ANAADHI Kaalam, those JeevaAThmas were NithyaAThmas and for ANAADHI kalam, we JeevAthmas were BhaddAThmas. So, Once we BhaAddhthmas reach Sri Vaikuntam with ACHARYA RAMANUJA KRUPAI, we are called as MukAThmas (Karmas are ERASED totally). After becoming MukthAthma, there is no difference between a NithyaAthma and MukthAThma, since EACH of us are JeevAThmas having SAME QUALITY (GYana/Parathantra swaroopam) and only do Kainkaryam kainkaryam kainkaryam to Bhagavan-Thayar.


We also need to remember how NithyaAThmas are helping the BhaddAthmas to reach SriVaikuntam and they want us (BhaddAThmas) to be with them.

NithyAThmas like AdiSheshan, CHakkarath Azhwar, Shangu Azhwar, Mani ALwar, took avataram as different Alwars and Acharyas to help us, as seen in GuruParamparai.


So NithyaAThmas only take avataram to help us (JeevAThmas with karmas) and they are never born, since they don’t have any karmas for Anaadhi Kaalam (Asprishta Samsara Gandhargal).


Adiyen Sri Velukkudi Krishna Dasan,

Uyya Oraey Vazhi UdayavAR ThiruvAdi,

Sarvam SriKrishna Kudumbham.


on August 30, 2018

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha

Beautiful answer Swamy. Dhanyosmi for taking the pain in answering this query. Adiyen not fully convinced as to why Nithya Suri are not subject to anAdi kAla karma.

Is it because they didint see anything else other than Sriman NArAyanA as & when they are born?

“SadhA Pashyanthi Suraya:”

So karma could not affect them?

The question is why are superior right from beginning?


on August 31, 2018

Sri Ramanuja Munaye Namaha,
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami Guruvae Namaha,

Dear BhagavAta,

Swami has never said NithyaAthma are superior and BhaddhAthmas are inferior. Please kidten to the below Swamis 2 audios eith OPEN mind instead of Preconceived mind, then we will understsnd. So where is the question about superiority within JeevAthmas. Is this superiority, bhagavatas assumption. Swami always has said as per shastras all JeevAthmas are EQUAL QUALITY (Gyana/Parathantra swaroopam). NithyAthmas are able to realize their ‘Quality’ due to NO karmas existing in Sri Vaikuntam fir Anaadhi kaalam. We JeevAthmas (BhaddhAthmas) are not able to realize our ‘Quality’ due to us covered with karmas in Samsarsm fir Anaadhi kaalam.

If we start thinking like why NithyAthmas dont have Anaadhi kaala karmas, then what would be purpose of SriVaikuntam. SriVaikuntam by DEFAULT has ‘NO KARMAS’, so our (BhaddhAthmas) goal is to reach ‘No karmas’ place SriVaikuntam.

Please listen to Swami’s:
1) Enpani 1005 : What will Happen when Athma reaches Vaikuntha (based on Veda Vyasar BrahmaSutram),
2) Alwargal Vaibhavam (In introduction Swami tells in detail about NithyAthmas and BhaddhAthmas).

In both of these sudios, Swami says how each JeevAthma Quality is SAME, and why we BhaddhAthmas are not able to realize our True nature due to Karmas/Avidhya covered), thats why Perumal-Thayar is taking Efforts to take us to SriVaikuntam, if we are a Sharanagathan.

DONT WORRY TOO MUCH BhagavAta. With Thayar-Perumal Karunai/NithyAthmas Anugraham/Acharya Krupai/ Mahans like Sri Velukudi Swami’s Kataksham after crossing Virajai Nadhi, our Karmas will be erased, We all will reach SriVaikuntam, then we all will realize our True Nature ‘Quality’ (Gyana/Parathantra swaroopam), like the NithyAthmas and enjoy the Nithya Kainkaryam/Nithya Anubhavam in SriVaikuntam.

Adiyen Sri Velukkudi Krishna Dasan,
Uyya Oraey Vazhi UdayavAr ThiruvAdi,
Sarvam SriKrisharpanam Asthu.

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Sri Ramanuja Munaye Namaha,
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami Guruvae Namaha,

Its always adiyen’s PLEASURE to refer Swami’s pravachanams for those in need (Not a pain).

BhagavAns says BhaddhAthmas karmas are Anaadhi and NithyAthmas dont have any Karmas for Anaadhi (Asprishta Samsara Gandhsrgal). So all Aasthikas are convinced and accept it, since BhagavAn says so through Alwars/Acharyas/Mahans like Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami.

To remove stain in cloth is important rather than investigating when the stain happenned. Stain is our karmas. Cloth is Athma (ourselves). Removing stain is having MahaVishwasam on Sita PirAtti SriRama’s lotus feet.

Adiyen Sri Velukkudi Krishna Dasan,
Uyya Oraey Vazhi UdayavAr ThiruvAdi,
Sarvam SriKrisharpanam Asthu.

on September 17, 2018

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Seri Swamy

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