If vedam is apourushEyam then how shruthi smrithi mamai vAkyA?

Updated on January 31, 2020 in Avatars
6 on January 15, 2020

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Srimathe Sri Varaha Mahadesikaya Namaha
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy Thiruvadigaley Sharanam


Vedam is apourushEyam not created by any being including God means how come shruthi smrithi God made?


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1 on January 26, 2020

To my knowledge, Smriti is Manmade and not Shruti . Rishis meditated on shruti(Veda) and  wrote Smriti based on what they felt through Gyanadrishti. And Shruthi is not God made, but it is told in the sense that it is  the breath of God. 

on January 27, 2020

Dhanyosmi Swamy for a answering
Sorry but could not understand
Breath of god means God has PrANan?

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0 on January 28, 2020

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha,


Namaskaram Swami’s,


With Acharya ThiruvAdi Bhalam and Velukudi Sri Krishnan Swami’s Aasirvadham, here are some fundamentals from Swami’s “Sanatana Dharmam” Upanyasams that adiyen will share by pulling from Sri Vaishnava Blogs.


  1. What Humans (JeevAthmas) do/create of their own accord is called as “paurusheya
  2. Apaurusheya” means it is NOT the work of a human author (JeevAthma), means NOT created by Humans. This doesn’t mean, it not created by ParamAthma. Veda’s are utterances and commandments of BhagavAn Sriman NarayanA (SriKrishna) and revealed texts by BhagavAn. So Vedas are “Apaurusheya” means, Not created by Human “JeevAthmas”, instead created by BhagavAn. Since BhagavAn is Eternal & Anaadhi, HIS revealed texts “Vedas” are also Eternal & Anaadhi.

So the statement in the above thread “Vedam is apourushEyam not created by any being including God” is Partially true as “not created by any being”, but the “including GOD” doesn’t apply as per the meaning of “Apaurusheya”.

Further to supplement the meaning of “Apaurusheya”, BhagavAn SriKrishnan Swami says in the Gita: “It is I who am known by all the Vedas “(Vedaisca sarvair aham eva vedyah)” Instead of describing Himself as “Vedakrdh” (creator of the Vedas), he calls HIMSELF “VedantAkrdh” (creator of philosophical system that is the crown of the Vedas). He also refers to HIMSELF as “Vedavidh” (he who knows the Vedas).


Regarding, “Breath of god means God has PrANan?”

Before Vedanta that enshrines great philosophical truths had been made know to mankind, the Vedas had existed in the form of sound (OM), as the very breath of ParamAthma – the “Vedas” were ( and are) indeed to be considered as BhagavAn itself. The vibrations (OM) caused by the Paramatman’s breath have existed in space which are nothing by the Veda’s. The Supreme BhagavAn (BrahmaM) – SriVishnu has revealed the Veda’s to the 4 faced Brahma. Brahma is able to perform the duty of creation due to his knowledge about Veda’s. Please Note: BrahmaM means BhagavAN Sriman NarayanA, which is different from the Brahma who was created by BrahmaM.

So, God has PrANan?”  has to be changed to “God OWNS PrANan?” & God HIMSELF IS PrANan for the whole world?”


Regarding Shruthi & Smrthi:

Shruti is comprised of the Vedas, which are eternal storehouse of knowledge revealed by the BhagavAn Sriman NarayanA (SriKrishna) Himself to the ancient seers (rishi-s). The smṛthi-s are based on the teachings of the Vedas. They lay down the laws which regulate the followers The sections of the Veda can be classified into two main categories – SHRUTI and SMRThI.

1) SHRUTI : The sections of the veda Which are heard are called SHRUTI – (that which is heard)

2) SMRTHI : The sections of the veda which is remembered by the rishis are called SMRTI – (that which is remembered).

smṛthi. These are works composed by trustworthy persons like Sage Manu, Bodhāyana and Yājñavalkya, recalling the śhruti. They are also valid means of knowledge. They follow the line of the śhruti and explain as to how to put theory to practice.


Kurai Irundhaal, adiyenai kShamikka Prarthikkiraen,

Nirai Irundhaal, adiyenudaya Acharya ThiruvAdi Bhalatthaal and Sri Velukkudi Swami Aasivadhatthaal.


Adiyen Srinivasa (DhoddayAcharyar) Dasan.

Adiyaargal ThiruvAdigalukku Pallandu for translating these information’s in SriVaishnava Blogs from Swami’s Upanyasams from which adiyen pulled.

Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami ThiruvAdigalaey Sharanam,

Acharyan ThiruvAdigaaley Sharanam,

Uyya Oraey Vazhi UdayavAr ThiruvAdi,

Sarvam SriKrisharpanam Asthu.

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0 on January 28, 2020

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Srimathe Sri Varaha Mahadesikaya Namaha
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy Thiruvadigaley Sharanam

Swamy has answered in EnPaNi 1634

@ElayaAlwar Swami
“Apaurusheya” means it is NOT the work of a human author (JeevAthma), means NOT created by Humans. This doesn’t mean, it not created by ParamAthma.

Our Velukkudi Swamy says “Creation will mean beginning as it is nithyam question of creation does not arise”..

“Vedam is still under control of bhagavan as nithya soori are under his control on his sankalpam”

This is adiyen’s understanding
Dhanyosmi ElayaAlwar Swamy
EnPani 1634 clarifies the same in better detail


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1 on January 28, 2020

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha,


Nandri Vikram Swami for the understanding due to devareer Acharya Krupai from Swami’s Upanyasams.


What devareer mentioned is exactly correct as Sri Velukkudi Swami has said, which is what Adiyen referred in above as “Since BhagavAn is Eternal & Anaadhi, HIS revealed texts “Vedas” are also Eternal & Anaadhi.”.
Also in the above Git slokam, BhagavAn says I”m Vedakrdh” (creator of the Vedas),

There is also a detailed fine point from Swami’s Kalakshepams which Swami doesn’t tell in general Enpani’s.

If BhagavAn says to us that “I created 1st Karma’s for you”, will we accept it? or we will counter BhagavAn that “No Karma’s are Anaadhi and YOU didnot create it?

Also Vikram Swami,
A true BhagavAta will Accept that BhagavAn says as “If YOU created 1st Karma’s for me, I accept it because YOU are the ONLY SHESHI (MASTER) and adiyen is a Sheshan (Servant). So anything YOU say in Vedas, Upanishads are True as “Saamannya Shastram” which is SUPERCEDED by YOUR “Vishesha Shastram (nothing but YOUR FINAL SAY),
Example: a JeevAthma cannot travel to SriVaikuntam using the present “Prakrutha Shareeram (Deteriorating body)” and No returning back to Samsaram as Saamannya Shastram, but YOU took Swami NamAlwar in HIS Charama Thirumeni AS IT IS to SriVaikuntam, plus Swami NamAlwar returns to Samsaram every Vaikunta Ekadesi to uplift fallen JeevAthmas like us. So how is this possible as per the Shastras that YOU have given.

So the “Nithyam” definition as per YOUR own Shastras/Vedas is overruled by YOUR Vishesha Vachanam, that’s why we call YOU (Devareer, BhagavAn Sriman NarayanA) as “Agaditha Katana Saamarthyam (Only You can do/make Impossible to Possible)”.


So Shastram is valid only up to the extent to bring us MahaVishwasam on BhagavAn’s Lotus Feet, and after that level of understanding “ANYTHING BHAGAVAN SAYS BECOMES THE SHASTRAM” should be a True Sharanagathan’s Maturity.


So the fine point conclusion is,
‘1) if YOU say, Karma’s/Vedas are Anaadhi, then Adiyen accept, YES it’s True because YOU say so in Vedas/Upanishads as Saamanyam.
‘2) if YOU say, Karma’s/Vedas are NOT Anaadhi, then Adiyen accept, YES it’s True because YOU say so as Vishesham.


Kotana Koti DhandavAt Pranaamam on Sri Velukkudi Swami Thiruvadigalukku for restating in enpani #1634.

Adiyen Srinivasa (DhoddayAcharyar) Dasan

on January 31, 2020

Dhanyosmi Swamy

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