If not Sita Mata abduction , Ravana was Good!?

Updated on January 1, 2022 in Good qualities for human
1 on January 1, 2022

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Srimathe Sri Varaha Mahadesikaya Namaha
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy Thiruvadigaley Sharanam


Adiyen would like to classify Ravana’s life
=>Before Mother Sita Abduction (BS)
=> After Mother Sita Abduction (BS)

for my convenience

By analysing Ramayana, Ravan created havoc by destroying yagams (BS)

It’s evident from Rishi vishwamitra saying to Dasaratha “Maricha Subahu spoiling fire rituals”

Some quote Hanuman Swamy describing Ravan as great after visiting Lanka (AS) in Sundara Kandam

As a Brahmin, lineage of Pulastya Maharishi, Ravan should have known the importance of Yaga samrakshana , Go Samrakshana but he failed miserably.

Unfortunately yet he is classified as a Brahmin!

Then why is this attempt of showcasing Ravan as a good person in pattimandrams and other places as if “If not the Sita Mata issue Ravan would have been saved”?

Forgiving by Sriram is different, SriRam would save anyone after SharanAgathi.

Here the issue about Ravan being portrayed as a negative hero

Some call it “Virodha Bhakthi”
Is it acceptable standard in Bhakthi Bhavam?

Logic idikardhey Swamy


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0 on January 1, 2022

*After Sita Mata to read (AS)

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