How to know if one exited the world via archirAdhi mArgam?

Updated on July 19, 2019 in General
5 on July 17, 2019

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Srimathe SriVarAha MahAdEsikAya Namaha
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy Thiruvadigaley Sharanam

How to know if one died via archirAdhi mArgam?


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Sri Ramanuja Munaye Namaha,
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami Guruve Namaha,
Asmadh Sarva Gurubyo Namaha,


Dear Bhagavata,


Question on whose perspective also matters, who needs to know if an Athma exited through Archaraadhi Maargam or not.


Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami Arulaal, Acharyan Krupayaal,


Perspective 1:

1) That Particular BaddhAthma becomes the MukthAthma when it exits through Sushumna Naadi (nerve) located on their own head Ucchi and

2) Acharya Swami Ramanujar and

3) ThiruMoghur Perumal (Vazhi Thunai Perumal)

these three only will know about it, since Swami Ramanujar is the guiding light for that Athma to catch hold the Archaraadhi Margham when it exits through its Sushumna Naadi and travel towards SriVaikuntam through that Archaraadhi Maargam. Other individual Athma will not be able to know if other Athma’s went through the Archaraadhi Maarhham or not. Others will know aboutvthemselces travellingvthrough that path only when they get the same chance.

So Swami Koorathazhwan & Swami MudhaliAandaan says in “Dhati Panchakam” Grantham that”


விஷ்ணு லோக மணிமண்டப மாரகதாஈ இராமனுஜோ விஜயதே யதிராஜா ராஜாஹ


Also during that Archaraadhi Maargam travel, ThiruMoghur Perumal is the companion throughout our journey till we reach SriVaikuntam. During that travel, Perumal takes us through some lokas where Sathya Lokam is one of the stop point for few minutes because Brahma Devata is presently a BhaddhAthma does Paadha Poojai on that MukthAthma and provides us feast and consumes our ShreePafha Theertham etc…then after that we continue the journey towards SriVaikuntam along with ThiruMoghur Perumal.


Perspective 2:

If other Bhaddathma need to know if another BhaddhAthma travelled through Archaraadhi Maargam or not can be known by feeling only. Like if one touch with hand on the head Ucchi immediately ThiruAradu Shareeram (after dead), they can feel it us not. So it means that particular Athma went to Moksham (SriVaikuntam) through Archaraadhi Maargam. If other portions of body are hot like the ullangaal (bottom side of feet) or chest etc….then all these indicate that the Athma did exited through other Naadi (nerve) and hence will not be able to go through Archaraadhi Maargam and went to some other lokas within this Samsaram, like us from past birth to this Birth.



Adiyen Sri Velukkudi Krishna Dasan,

Uyya Oraey Vazhi UdayavAr ThiruvAdi,

Sarvam SriKrishnarpanam Asthu.


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Sri Ramanuja Munaye Namaha,
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami Guruve Namaha,
Asmadh Sarva Gurubyo Namaha,


Fixed some fast typo errors in perspective 2 as below:


Perspective 2:

If other Bhaddathma need to know if another BhaddhAthma travelled through Archaraadhi Maargam or not can be known by feeling only. Like if one touch with hand on the head Ucchi immediately Charama Shareeram (after dead), they can feel it as hot. So it means that particular Athma went to Moksham (SriVaikuntam) through Archaraadhi Maargam. If other portions of body are hot like the ullangaal (bottom side of feet) or chest etc….then all these indicate that the Athma exited through different Naadi’s (nerve) other than the Sushmna Naadi and hence will not be able to go through Archaraadhi Maargam and went to some other lokas within this Samsaram, like us from past birth to this Birth.



Perspective 1

Overall, when the particular BhaddhAthma leaves the existing body, and if it exits through Sushumna Naadi (nerve) ONLY, at that time only that Particular Athma will know plus Acharya Ramanuja and ThiruMoghur Perumal will know that the particular Athma will Travel through Archaraadhi Maargam, and at that time the Athma’s existing Sthoola Shareeram (body) will be shed down and BhagavAn gives a different Sookshma Shareeram for the travelling purpose through Archaraadhi Maargam. Then this Sookshma Shareeram is also shed down in VIRAJAI Nadhi (final Holy River) that separates Samsaram (leela Vibhoothi)  and SriVaikuntam/Moksham (Nithya Vibhoothi), after that the MukAthma is given a different body called “Prakrutha Shareeram” which is non-deteriorating body for Nithyakainkaryam to BhagavAn-Thayar-Acharya for Bhagavat Preethyartham.


So let’s all say “Srimathe Ramanuja Namaha” who has has AASAI (desire) to exit through Sushumna Naadi (nerve) and travel through Archaraadhi aargham to reach the “PERMENANT NON-STOP HAPPINESS” place SriVaikuntam in this same birth.


விஷ்ணு லோக மணிமண்டப மாரகதாஈ இராமனுஜோ விஜயதே யதிராஜா ராஜாஹ


ThiruMoghur Kaalamegha Perumal (Vazhi thunai Perumal) who is our companion through Archaraadhi Maargam is none other than our Enchanting women form Avatar “Mohini”. Brief story of Mohini Perumal in this linkக்ரஹணத்தின்-போது/



Adiyen Sri Velukkudi Krishna Dasan,

Uyya Oraey Vazhi UdayavAr ThiruvAdi,

மோகவல்லி தயார் சமேத திருமோகூர் காளமேக பெருமாள் கி ஜெய்

Sarvam SriKrishnarpanam Asthu.

on July 18, 2019

Sri Ramanuja Munaye Namaha,


Another typo error in tamil. It is  மேகவல்லி (MeghaValli) and not மோகவல்லி (MoghaValli).


Fixed as below:

மேகவல்லி தயார் சமேத திருமோகூர் காளமேக பெருமாள் கி ஜெய்


Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami Thiruvadigalaey Sharanam

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Sri Ramanuja Munaye Namaha,


Another typo error.


It is not Prakrutha Shareeram. It is Aprakrutha Shareeram in the above sentence. Fixed as below.


after that the MukAthma is given a different body called “APrakrutha Shareeram” which is non-deteriorating body for Nithyakainkaryam to BhagavAn-Thayar-Acharya for Bhagavat Preethyartham.


Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami Thiruvadigalaey Sharanam.

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0 on July 19, 2019

ஸ்ரீமதே ரங்கராமானுஜ மஹாதேசிகாய நம:
ஸ்ரீமதே ஸ்ரீ வராஹ மஹாதேசிகாய நம:

ஸ்ரீ வேளுக்குடி கிருஷ்ணன் சுவாமி திருவடிகளே ஷரணம்

ஸ்ரீ கொங்கில் பிராட்டி ஸ்வாமி திருவடிகளே சரணம்

மிகவும் அருமை ஸ்வாமி இதை எண்ணி தான் கேள்வி கேட்க பட்டு இருந்தது

தன்யோசமி அணுகரஹீதோஸ்மி

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