How to avoid Virakti during Pracharam of Sanatana Dharma?

Updated on December 10, 2017 in General
11 on December 6, 2017

திரு வேளுக்குடி ஸ்வாமிகளின் பொற்பாதங்களுக்கு அடியேனின் அநேக கோடி நமஸ்காரங்கள்

ஸ்வாமி. மோஷ தர்ஷனம் என்ற பெயரில் தேவரீரை முன்மாதிரியாகக் கொண்டு May 2015இல் இருந்து, சிறியதாக ஒரு குழு ஆரம்பித்து நமது ஸநாதன தர்மத்தைப் பிரச்சாரம் செய்து வருகிறோம்.

தேவரீரின் அறிவுரைகளால் உந்தப்பட்டு, இதனை மேலும் தொடர்ந்து, 114 பேராக உள்ளோம்.

வால்மீகி இராமாயணம், திரு வேங்கடவனின் சுப்ரபாதம் ஆகியவற்றை அடியேன் பிரச்சாரம் செய்கிறேன்.

அடியேனின் நண்பர் ஆழ்வார் பாசுரங்களை பிரச்சாரம் செய்கிறார்.

ஆனால் இந்த 114 பேரும் நிஜத்தில் இதைப் பயன்படுத்திக் கொள்கிறார்களா என்று தெரியவில்லை.

பல மஹான்கள் பாரத தேசத்தில் பிறந்துள்ளனர். அவர்களில் யாரேனும் ஒருவர் சரித்திரத்தை பிறருக்குப் பயன்படும் வகையில் பிரச்சாரம் செய்ய பத்து பேராவது முன்வர வேண்டும் என்று கோரிக்கை வைத்தோம்.

இதைச் செய்ய இரண்டு மணி நேரம்தான் அதிகபட்சத் தேவை.

114 பேரில் இதற்கு யாரும் பதில் கூட அளிக்கவில்லை.

யாரும் எங்கள் பிரச்சாரத்தைப் பயன்படுத்திக் கொள்வதாகத் தெரியவில்லை. ஒரு மணிநேரம் கூட இதற்காக செலவிடத் தயாராக இல்லை.

“ஓம் அததோ பிரம்ஹ ஜிஞ்ஞாச: ஓம்” என்ற பிரம்ம சூத்திரத்தின் அர்த்தத்தை உணர்கிறேன்.

இப்படி இருக்க, “எவன் எக்கேடு கெட்டால் நமக்கென்ன? இப்படி இவர்களுக்குச் சொல்லும் நேரத்தை விரயம் செய்யாமல் நாமே மேன்மேலும் பகவானிடம் மனதை செலுத்தலாமே” என்று தோன்றுகிறது.

இப்படி விரக்தியில் தளராமல், மேலும் அடியேனும் பயின்று, பிறருக்கும் உதவ, தேவரீரின் ஆசிகளையும் அறிவுரைகளையும் வேண்டுகிறேன்.

Daasanu Daasan Srinivasan Pranesh

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0 on December 7, 2017

Acharyar devarir sri u ve velukudi krishnan swami thiruvadigaluku kodi namaskarangal , first of all adiyen salutes and respects this holy pracharams by saga adiyargal,if adiyen was in this scenario adyens perspective will be ” adiyen did not do this pracharam and adiyen cannot make others listen , sriman narayan is making adiyen to do pracharam and sriman narayan will make listeners to actually dedicatedly listen ,adiyen is not doing anything or adiyen is not expecting anything to be frustrated ” since adiyen is just a tool used by sriman narayana theres no place for satisfaction or frustration in this matter when adiyen is not actually doing anything 🙂

  • Liked by
2 on December 8, 2017




Srimatae Ramanujaya Namaha,

Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami Guruvae Namaha,



Perfectly said in crisp Prapanna Baktha.




We should keep doing Sathvika Pracharams without attaching any expectations, since Sriman Narayanan is the ultimate SHOW RUNNER and SAVER.




Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami in one of the Upanyasam has said using an example as below. Adiyen’s blurred memory, need not be the exact intention as Swami said. Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami to forgive adiyen for any deviation.









A bus driver driving the bus at 2km/hr in a desert for a destination that is 1000km away, doesn’t consider the urgency of  the passengers inside the bus. The capable passengers can get of the bus and run at 10km/hr, but may be after 2hrs get tired/frustrated. So total distance ran is 20km only (not even close to the destination). Now the issue is, the runner has to stand on the roadside of the desert (hot sun) and wait for the same bus to come (since there is no other option), so that he can atleast sit in the bus and don’t worry about anything, and the bus driver will definitely reach the DESTINATION’ though driving it REAL REAL SLOWLY.”




The moral of the story is:


* Bus Driver is “Sriman Narayanan”,


* Passengers are “All of us (BhaddhaAthmas stuck up in the Samasaram (Desert).


* Bus is the Shade (Acharya ThiruvAdi).


* Runners (own effort) are the ones who follows Bhakthi Yoga Margam for many Janmas and get tired/frustrated and finally surrender (Sharanagathy) to bus driver, since they couldn’t achieve the destination.


* The Passengers inside the bus who never took risk of running in desert are the “Sharanagathas” who kept quit inside the bus and didnot worry about anything, since they believed in the BUS DRIVER (Sriman NarayanAn) instead of own effort.


* Destination is Moksham  ‘SriVaikuntam’.






We can apply ‘Pracharams’ as Destination in place of ‘Moksham’ as Destination in the above example. Same moral applies.




So what ever we do, 



* If IN-LINE with BhagavAn’s Sankalpam, then BhagavAn is HAPPY which results in our “Satisfaction”, 




* If not IN-LINE with BhagavAn’s Sankalpam, then BhagavAn is NOT HAPPY, which results in our “Frustration (Virakthi)”.







Sanatana Dharma Pravachanams can be done as:




1) Active Pracharams 


     Learning it at specific Sthalams and then actively sharing the knowledge of Sanatana Dharmam, either in stages or in public places.




2) Passive Pracharams  


     Spiritual knowledge learned via listening to upanyasams/reading books/granthams can be Shared to anyone depending up on circumstances whereever we are. Like, if we are travelling in a bus or train, and happen to talk about it to next passenger, is also a Pracharam. Also while in office or other places, depending up on co-workers curiosity, we can share limited knowledge without causing any offense to them, and not violating HR policies.








In whichever type of Pracharams, Yes, we should consider ourselves as a “TOOL (KARUVI)” to reflect BhagavAn’s ThiruUllam, without attaching our own Interests.








Moreover, the Pracharams shouldnot be focused on ‘Converting’ others to our way, rather the focus should be only on REGURGITATING our SRI VELHKKUDI KRISHNAN SWAMI’S pravachanams which is nothing but PoorvAcharyars Shastra teachings, since we need to remember the Bus Driver is Perumal, and HE is the SHOW Runner and Saviour.




Other Mathams focus on converting, so such Mathams though appear to be Growing will Fade drastically over a period of time, since their goal is Converstion and not focussing on Param Porul The Supreme Sriman Narayanan’s ThiruUllam.






Swami has said in the past that, PoorvAcharyars have mentioned BhagavAn likes “NIVIRTHI Margam”, means abstain  from anything that poses our own efforts to fix things or for Moksham itself.




Example from GuruParamparai Upanyasam.




Swami Ramanujar after getting Rahasya artham from HIS Acharya ThuruKottiyoor Nambhi, promised Him that HE will follow Acharyas order that, only after testing the shishyas,  this artham will be taught to them. However, Swami Ramanujar with HIS KARUNAI Ullam,  called everyone who has “AASAI”(DESIRE) to MOKSHAM, and informed to everyone. Thirukottiyoor Nambhi came to know about this and got very angry. He said, for superceding Acharyas order, hell is the place to go.




Swami Ramanujar said, if one person (adiyen) go to hell, that is ok, atleast all others will go to Moksham by knowing this Rahasya artham.




At that moment, Antaryami  (Perumal) inside Thirukottiyoor Nambhi changed His mind and He got melted with Swami Ramanujar Karunai Ullam. He called Swami Ramanujar as “EmperumaaAr”.




EmperumAn means Perumal.


Calling Avan is ok, but Avar is more respectful.


So Swami Ramanujar was one step ahead of Perumal ‘Emperuman’ in KARUNAI perspective, Hence Swami got the name ‘EmperumanaAr’.




This was BhagavAn Sri Rama ThiruUllam to give a higher Elite Position to Swami Ramanujar.




So moral of the story , Swami Ramanujar kept doing Pracharams of Sharanagathy Margam based on Shastras without keeping any attachments on the results, then BhagavAn ShriRama (Slow but Efficient Bus Driver) made way for the final fruit.








Another Example from different a lowkika turned as a Bhakta.




One of Sanatana Dharmi called “Muthaiya Chettiyar” was a great Tamil Poet, but had bad alcoholic habits. One time, this person happened to read Andal (Alwar) “Thirupaavai” paasuram. He got deep affection towards SrKrishna and he became ‘Kannanukku Dasan’ and changed his name to “KannaDasan’ and did a small speech on ‘Arthamulla Indhu Matham’ as below link.






“Anything or any matham that opposes Sanatana Dharmam will not last long and will Fade by itself without Sanatana Dharmam  opposing it”, since Sanatana Dharmam is BhagavAn THE SUPREME Narayanan  (SriKrishna’s) system. 





Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami has said that “Thiruppavai (30 paasurams) are the essence of VEDAS”.




All of Bhoolokam minus Swami equal to Zero SriVaishnavism.




Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami is the Kaapaalan for us.




Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami ThiruvAdigalaey Sharanam,


Sri Andal ThiruvAdigalaey Sharanam,


Thayar-Perumal-Alwar-Emperumanaar-Jeeyar-Acharyar Thiruvadigalaey Sharanam,




Sarvam SriKrishnarpanam Asthu,


Sarvam Sri Krishna Kudumbham 

on December 8, 2017

Dear all

These are nice to speak. I completely agree. Please don’t take it offensive. Let us think practically.

Our life is very short. All Pracharakas may not be in par with Acharyas like Shri Velukkudi Swamy, who have already gone far ahead in knowing scriptures.

Many may have to develop themselves and help others also at the same time. If we come to know that a person is totally deaf, why to keep speaking to them and waste time. Any body will naturally get a feel of why don’t I utilize this time for myself in reaching God, as Adiyen is also not yet complete.

Yes. Everything is carried out by Lord Sriman Narayana. Perfectly agreed. Then why do we need Pracharakas? Does the Lord don’t know to take care of world He created?

Still we are trying to do Pracharam. Don’t we see a Satvik expectation of saving Sanatana Dharma in this?

Swamy has released calendars with good intentions to spread information about Bakthi and Mukti. But, out of 32000, very few purchased. People are unresponsive. Adiyen bought 3 calendars as ordered by Swamy. But, there are repeated requests to buy them to others. Is there no Satvik expectation of elevating people spiritually in this?

Expectations are of two types. Material expectations that is prohibited. Let us say, an Acharyan teaches his disciple. He will definitely have a Satvik expectation that his disciple should elevate and travel towards Moksha. There is nothing wrong in it. This is also a kind of expectation only but for good cause.

Attachments to be prohibited as rightly said. Also, I don’t want to stop spreading scriptures. Hence, I requested Swamy to advise on how to carry forward such Pracharam with people.

If we strictly go by theory advised above, can someone genuinely say I have no expectations in any manner 100% and simply go as life takes me? If there is someone like this, then he has really surrendered himself to God.

So, please give me advises on how to bring interest in people first, to start Pracharams. We cannot keep on speaking, wasting time with disinterested people and convince ourselves by saying I am not speaking and let me speak but don’t worry about others listening. Of course God does everything. I don’t doubt this. But, are the efforts worth is the question and I seek advises to make it happen.

Even Acharyas had this kind of Virakti sometimes. Madhvacharyar wanted to stay with Veda Vyasar when he met him. He says, “There is no one to listen Vedanta. It is waste of time speaking to these people.” Then Veda Vyasar gave him some tips.

Even Upanishads say, “You shall not teach the scriptures to whoever you wish. If someone approaches with interest, test them in right manner and then teach only for qualified.”

But, as Swamy says, the condition of Sanatana Dharma today is in such a manner that we need to do Pracharams.

At least, I am not yet matured to that level, to do Pracharams to people those who don’t bother to even listen. At the same time, I am trying to please God by doing this. So, we may have to focus on doing Pracharams and at the same time, think about how to develop interest in people to listen.

Daasanu Daasan Srinivasan Pranesh

on December 8, 2017

Here are few things that Adiyen tried and worked out.

We conduct Satsangams as a part of our Pracharam. Out of 114, around 20 attends. In the group, Adiyen found that if someone presents and others listen, hardly 10% of people utilizes it.

So, Adiyen individually requested everyone to become a presenter.

One of my friends, though beginner presented Katopanishad with guidance from others. He now got a lot of interest in the Lord. He himself started reading Bagavad Gita, Bagavata and all scriptures. Adiyen don’t know if other 113 utilized his presentation but he individually changed a lot.

Now, he says he got full interests, wants to develop himself in 5 or 10 years and preach these to next generation.

Here, once he tasted the beauty of Sanatana Dharma, he is continuously improving. People don’t come forward because they don’t have awareness.

However, people somehow feel shy to do such presentations. At present 3 or 4 have come forward to present.

So, on one hand, we try to do Pracharams and on other hand, we are thinking about how to make people taste scriptures for first time.

If someone can give some tips to Adiyen in this regard, it will be very helpful.

Absolutely, there is no doubt that Baghavan does all these and everything is His responsibility. But, Adiyen feel there is nothing wrong in thinking about how to make this more effective and create involvement in people. Rest are taken care by Lord Sriman Narayana Himself. However, we don’t need to stop attempting.

Sarvam Shri Krishnaarpanamastu!

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1 on December 8, 2017

Srimatae Ramanujaya Namaha,

Sri Velukkudi krishnan Swami Guruvae Namaha,


Dear Baktha,


Very True and Baktha’s Effort is Honest. It will not go in vain with BHagvAn’s grace.




NO one is saying “We should not attempt doing pracharam”. The above threads show, we should do Pracharams based on the AUthetic Spirtiual kanowledge that we gained and do our best with our Ytaha Shakthi (Capacity that each one of us possess).


At the same time, “We cannot keep Attachments to the Results of the Pracharams”, like did they come forward or did they change after listening. That individual have to utilize its Jeeva Swathantriyam (Independently Dependant on Perumal) to start doing things.

This is what is being discussed in the above threads to help out Baktha’s question about how to get rid of Virakthi. It doesn’t mean, Don’t do Pracharam.



We cannot term Acharyas had Virakthi, since we are looking from our perspective about Acharyas situation. Acharyas had only “PARITHAPAM (Sympathy)” on other Jeevathams when they don’t listen to Shastras and follow. So They Pray to Perumal and ask for Sathvika Changes. PErumal Approves Acharyas request, since they are Guna Poornanarkal (No Deficiency in Knowledge).



There are incidents in Swami Ramanujar life and Swami Vedanta Desikar’s life & Swami DhoddhaAcharyar life and amny otehr Achryas as well, when Veda Kudshristis (Who belive in Vedas but tell wrong meaning) and Veda Bahyargal (who don’t belive in Vedas at all) keep questioning about Vedas/Shastras.



When Bouddharkal (Veda Bahyargal) almost 1000 people questoned about the Vedas in Thondanoor village near Melekote, Swami had to take in Original Adishehan form with 1000 heads, so Swami could answer each one them at same time. But, Swami took 1000 head form by putting a screen inbetween them, so no one could see this original form. After Swami’s explantion, then all the Bouddhargal got changed to Veda Margam which is the Root. Swami took this form, since HE had PARITHAPAM (Sympathy) on them that, without they following Vedas, there is NO moksham for them. This is not Virakthi, This is Parithapam on others.



Same situation happened with Swami Vedanta Desikar while in Srirangam. Many keep questioniong about who is Para Devata?, Sriman ANrayanan or some one else. Then, Swami had to explain based on Swami Ramanujar Veda Marga Teachings. These situations keep happening many times in SriRam=ngam. But Swami Vedanta Desikar used to still explain with patience. The only thing Swami pointed out is, “When Swami himself is involved in BhagvAt ANubhavam, why People repeateldy disturb Him when Shastras clearly says about who is ParaDevata which is Sriman Narayanan. So Swami didnot have Virakthi, but had Parithapam on those JeevAThmas.



Same situation happend with Swami DhoddAcharyar life while in Sholingur about who is ParaDevata Aruguement as per Shastras. Swami explained with patience every time such situation arises based on PoorvAcharyas teaching, and there are grantams written by Swami DhoddaAcharayar on these as well. So there is no Virakthi here, but only Parithapam on others.



What Acharyas prescribe to BaddhAThmas like us, is to invlove in Kainkaryam and get of this Birth_Death cylce and abstain from anyhting that hinders BhagavAt/Acharya/BhagvAta Kainkaryams.


Doing these itself is a Pracharam, since we are involved with many people around us either in temple or at office or at public places by following the Sanatana Dharmam Fundamental Principles which Swami ahs said as :

* Thani Manitha Ozukkam,

* Panbhu,

* Panivu,

* Thann Addkkam,

* Nermai,



So some one looking at what and why we do Kainkaryams, will definitely ask about these, then we can explain.


So, kindly understand the practicality and nothing in Sanatana Dharama is for just Talking Nice. It is for us to Follow each thing to as best as Possible as per Individual capability and let BhagavAN decide the Results.


Acharyas and Mahans like Sri Velukkudi Swami are Perumal Avatarm to Help and Uplift each one of us BhaddhAtmas. So they have ABILITY to fix and Change things, where we dont have such ability.



The Prapanna Bhakta’s above thread explanation is based on Swami’s Pravachanams, which is very Crisp and clear.

So, Bakhta to continue either the Active or Passive Pracharam based on Bhaktas Capability (Yatha Shakthi), but don’t keep and Attachment towards the results of the Pracharam, since BhagvAN Sriman NarayanAn will decide how to run this Leela Viboothi and take each of HIS One-and-Only Properties (SOtthu the JeevAThmas) to MOksham.




Dear Bhakta,


Regarding 32000 Enpani members, the same applies. Those people should show their Gratitude, if their life is changed in a fruitful way by listening to Swami’s audios. BhagvAn Sriman Narayan is inside them and watching each of their actions and will make judgement as Paapam or Punyam.



At the same time, we have to look in practical way as below.

There are 32000 members who has EnPani App, but there some scenarios to consider.


1) There could be 1 per family or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 per family.

All have Smart Phones or I-Phones now.

If one person downloads Swami’s Enapani audio, sometimes other won’t downlaod in their own individual phone, since it occupies phone space, so they listen from their faimly members downloaded clip, though they also resigtered in EnPani App.


2) so, can all the 32000 members buy calender. Only one calender per famliy. If we take an avergae of 4 per famly, then the number of fmaily woul be 8000 approximaltly. So teh number of calenders bought Should be 8000 approx, which matches the 8000 members that downloaded Swami’s calender audio clip. In those why only 800 registered for Calender at Citi Union bank, which couldnot be judged, since that will be individuals discretion based on How much Gratitude they have towards Swami.


Again the 800 registed mmbers were sensus taken on the 1st 5 days after Swami Audio clip release. After Dec9th target date, the final numbers who bought the Calender will be known to evaluate/understand current situation.


3) Also out of 32000 members (or 8000 families, 4 members per family as an average), there are all kinds of Santana Dharmam followers (Sri Vaishavan, Shaivan, etc…as well as some who don’t follow a particular Sampradhayam, but just wanted to have some peaceful atmosphere etc….), those members, may follow a particular calendar as per their family head, and not necessary that they will get additional calendar. So, they just listen to Swami’s clips and buy CD’s, but not involve in buying calendar.


4) Another example, in some family, their parents or in-laws don’t follow Sri Vaishnavism, but their son or daughter in-law follows SriVaishavism. Only they have EnPani App and download Swami’s audios, but they don’t buy calendar, since it cannot be brought to home as it conflicts their Parents or In-laws family STAUCNH calendar method as they want to follow their own Sampradhayam calendar. This is a Dharma Sankatam for such memebrs.


5) A Baktha gets more calendars depending up on who needs it, like for neighbours or for other relation family members. This works good. But some members are hesitant in getting more calendars and giving to other family members or neighbours, as they feel, they will start expecting in return when they have similar occasion. So a SriVaishnavan avoids such scenarios as he follows only one thing and buys only one calendar for himself.





THese are some of the scenarios that we can think of, so we cannot compare or make judgment about the 32000 members when we don’t know the actual facts, though to some extent what Bhakta is saying is correct.


All we have to do as a Bhakta is to, do as much as possible from our end and then Pray to BhagavAN, since Swami’s Calendar is for our/their own benefits and the small Sambhavani that comes by getting the Calendar are utilized for Sath-Kaaryams like PaadaShaalas, Maintaining old Temples, Paropakaram (Helping the needed people) etc….




Adiyen Sri Velukkudi Krishan Swami Dasan,

Sri Velukkudi KrishnanSwami Thiruvadigalaey Sharanam,

Thayar-Perumal-Alwar-EmperumanAAr-JeeyAr-Acharyar Thiruvadigaley Sharanam,


Uyya Oraey Vazhi UdayavAr ThiruvAdi,


Sarve Janaha Sukhino BhavanTHu,
Loka Samastha Sukhino BhavanThu,


Sarvam SriKrishnarpanam Asthu,

Sarvam SriKrishna Kudumbham.


on December 9, 2017

Thank you for detail explanations. Adiyen understood Virakti vs Karunai.

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0 on December 9, 2017

I request Shri Velukkudi Swamy’s blessings to come out of frustration and do more Pracharams.

I never met Devarir directly nor attended any Live Upanyasam. Used to listen Enpani Audios and CDs of Devarir. Devarir ordered Adiyen to go to Srivilliputtur few days back in a dream. Adiyen is Chennai vasi. Came to Srivilliputtur as ordered by Devarir.

I believe Devarir’s blessings along with blessings of Periyazhwar, Andal and Rangamannar will give more strength to Adiyen.

Daasanu Daasan.

  • Liked by
1 on December 9, 2017


Kurukkeedukku mannikavum, let Swami answer. Adiyen’s opinion based on poorvAchAryAs.

Very simple , kekkravAlukku prAptham venum.
Bhagavath vishayam summa kedaikkuma? avlo easiyA kAdhula vizhumA?

ChandrashEkara MahA PeriyavA kadhai nyAbagam varudhu.

WhatsApp la padichen. One Swami did bhAgavatha sapthAham based on instructions of periyavA. Only 3 members listened.

1. BhattAchAri
2. Security
3. Swayam Bhagavan

PeriyavA laughed and sAdhichAr “unakkAvadhu 3 peru, Bhagavath GitAchAryan Krishnanukku Arjunan oruthan dhAn”


on December 10, 2017

Pranams! Agreed Vikram Swamy.

When Vyasar propounded Vedanta, Purva Mimamsakas asked, why do you propound new theory while we have our valid one. Vyasar gives several reasons and says below also as one of reasons. “There will be at least 4 people interested in Vedanta”. Vyasarukke appadithan.

Even Arjuna was not ready to go with Krishna to Vaikunta, despite Gita Upadesam. Vyasarayum Krishnarayum ninaichi manasa thethikavendiyadhuthan. Avalukke appadinna namellam emmathiram.

That’s why Adiyen quoted Athatho Brahma Jignyasah. Hinduism calls people those who are satisfied in life into research of God. It’s natural that people run after material things till they get satisfied.

Very few people convert to other religions because they can’t understand Hinduism. Mostly they convert for Money, Community certificates and reasons like they make fake promises of curing diseases etc. Core principle of Hinduism is to accept even pain as mercy of God. We are focused on Moksha. So, it’s obvious that very few will get interest. The crowd that will come forward to learn a mantra that can cure a disease will not bother to attend if the topic is Moksham.

Krishna Himself says in Bagavat Gita that very few among thousands and thousands get into understanding Atma but no one understands completely.

Hence let us put responsibility on Lord Himself as all says here and keep doing what we can do.

Adiyen expected some kind of tips to carry out Pracharam effectively and make people listen. However, it is agreed and valid that we can do only what we are expected to do by Him.

Sarvam Shri Krishnaarpanamastu!

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0 on December 9, 2017

Sri Ramanuja Munaye Namaha,
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami Guruvae Namaha,

Beautiful Enpani #861 “Odi Odi Thruptiya Pottiya”.

Adiyen is always Sheshan & Parathanthran to Thayar-Perumal-Alwar-Emperumanaar-Jeeyar-Acharyar-Devareer.

Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami ThiruvAdigalaey Sharanam.
Uyya Oraey Vazhi UdayavAr ThiruvAdi.
Sarvam SriKrishnarpanam Asthu.

  • Liked by
0 on December 9, 2017

Sri Ramanuja Munaye Namaha,
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami Guruvae Namaha,

Devareer’s Beautiful Enpani #861 “Odi Odi Thruptiya Pottiya”.

Adiyen is always Sheshan & Parathanthran to Thayar-Perumal-Alwar-Emperumanaar-Jeeyar-Acharyar-Devareer.

Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami ThiruvAdigalaey Sharanam.
Uyya Oraey Vazhi UdayavAr ThiruvAdi.
Sarvam SriKrishnarpanam Asthu.

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