EnpaNi 2337 – Objection by Seshadri?

Updated on January 1, 2022 in General
2 on January 1, 2022

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Srimathe Sri Varaha Mahadesikaya Namaha
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy Thiruvadigaley Sharanam

Adiyen tried to download pdf version of IIT calendar. Searched Google stumbled upon below:


As our Swamy told, objections will arise but the sad fact is that it is coming from Mr. Seshadri.

“To me, this represents the final nail in the coffin of Indian scientific and rational thinking. That such a calendar could come from one of the Indian Institutes of Technology was unbelievable. Let me explain what is wrong with this.”

He opines ” The calendar made the focus of the centre very clear: to establish the supremacy of a supposed ancient native Hindu civilisation in India and to debunk the well-known theories of Aryan invasion and migration into the subcontinent.”

What is well known? Was Seshadri part of Aryan invasion in poorva Janma?

He goes on to quote an English book as authentic source:

“In his bestseller The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey says that effective people begin with the end in mind”

What if I become effective by not keeping the end in mind? Will Seshadri or Stephen apologize for generalizations?

Illa theriyama dhan kekkaren, Stephhen Covey Seshadri kku mamana machana?

For whom this effort is being made I don’t know.

By the way I clearly remember our Swamy mentioned lost 11 days.

“The eleven days referred to here are the ‘lost’ 11 days of September 1752, skipped when Britain changed over from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar”

Did Seshadri even read this?
Mr. Seshadri is speaking as if he is the grandfather of IIT. This is the problem In our community. Outsiders are not our enemy.


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Namaskaaram Swami,

(Adiyen not going to reply to this in favour of/against any community.)

Most of the times, articles coming from “Scroll.in” is like this. They always write articles like these to stir up controversy. It’s better to avoid these websites.

adiyen dasan

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0 on January 1, 2022


Considering morals one must reconsider writing such articles even if paid for it.

That’s the point of my post
Tomorrow some might claim “Your Seshadri wrote it”


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