Emotional during worship

Updated on September 25, 2021 in Daily rituals and practice
3 on September 23, 2021


Once in a while, some people get emotional during worshipping / thinking Perumal or Ramanujar. What does this indicate?.


SriVaishnava dasan

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Our Swami has blessed us in enpani 2240

on September 25, 2021

Thank you.

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0 on September 25, 2021

Sri. Velukkudi Krishanan swamy,

Namaskaram. Thank you very much for taking your time and replying.

No words to explain for your response through enpani audio#2240 titled “பக்தியில் கண்ணீர் விட்டால் வேஷமா?.

The audio has picturised and brought clearly more details lingering in my mind on my queries and provided an indepth and detailed reply. To simply put, இப்பொழுதும் ஆனந்த கண்ணீர்.

I was bit reluctant to indicate it for me, not on any negative note. The first time, I realised it happened was in front of Badri Narayanan about 28 years back.


SriVaishnava dasan

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