Dinosaurs and population in Hinduism

Updated on April 19, 2024 in General
1 on April 17, 2024

1) During the time of dinosaurs where there humans as soul is eternal and only human birth can give salvation among 84 lakh yoni. So how did souls achieve salvation during that time.We also know that humans are there from Satyug but we also know there were no humans during dinosaur period. So how are these facts reconciled ?
2) If souls are eternal and fixed then how is population increasing in the world ?

Pls enlighten me

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0 on April 19, 2024

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha

Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy already answered population increase in previous EnPaNi audios. Request you to search or ask someone to search those audios. It’s there in dharma sandeha forum as well.

Azhwar has sung
“Pul erumbAdhi ondru indriye”

When Sri Ram left for Sri Vaikuntam he took everything including grass and ants.

So salvation is not just for human souls.

Souls don’t increase or decrease. Human is just a form created in evolution.

We don’t agree only dinosaurs existed and nothing else.

Praveen Mohan’s temple research story tells otherwise. We have created temples on single stone with holes for doors etc.

We had better technology in olden days that cannot be replicated even today.

Big Bang is just a theory. They just “assume”. Today’s scientist asks “What caused Big Bang”?

Theory is not proof.

Scientists are baffled by the size perception of the obervable universe.

While Veda says only 25% is created 75% uncreated.

So we are talking something beyond existing human’s comprehension.

May be one day science will get closer with super intelligence or singularity in AI etc.

Let’s see but we worry about ageing , hunger etc so peace be upon Sriman Narayana to give us peace by not even giving us souls a birth to explore his vastness in universe


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