Dharma Alert

Updated on July 12, 2021 in General
5 on July 11, 2021

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Srimathe Sri Varaha Mahadesikaya Namaha
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy Thiruvadigaley Sharanam
Sri Velukkudi Ranganathan Swamy Thiruvadigaley Sharanam

There is a talk highlighting brotherly sibling rivalry within SriVaishnavites by black shirt people unnecessarily.

The video got 1.5 lakh likes that’s what is more concerning to me.

They say north kalai is Sanskrit well versed and South Kalai are experts in Tamil.

So a sect is against TAMIL. So don’t say Hindu here. It is a Tamil problem.

This is mischievous behaviour to be condemned.

I think it’s time for us to join hands and repel these forces with AchArya Thiruvadi Bhalam


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  • Govindan Narayanan

Vikram swamy,

those with jaundice will see everything around them to be yellow in colour. One example is the ‘black shirt’ people. There are more such examples. Some of them are so incalcitrant; only Perumal’s internvention can save them.

As you rightly said, if we join hands in doing our normal responsibilities properly, then these miscreants can not create damage. The miscreants will fizzle out soon. 

As far as ‘repeling’ these forces is concerned, personalities like our Swamy can deliver the right medicine for them at the right time. Some of his scholarly speeches in this regard are highly viewed. We as individuals need not to deal with the miscreants directly. You may remember, I have shared with you earlier the follow two quotes:

“It’s hard to win an argument with a smart person, but it’s damn near impossible to win an argument with a stupid person” – Bill Murray

“Never argue with stupid people, they will draw you down to their level and then beat you with experience” – Mark Twain.

(one way these people do it is, they would initiate a point of discussion; the moment you point out a fallacy in their perspective, they will immediately shift gear to a different point; by they time you explain that, jump to another unreltated point. In this manner they expertly drag you into a maze of aimless arguement. It is better not to get into one at the first instance itself.)  

The more we engage in arguement with them, we also get spiralled down to nit picking arguements with deviate us from the main focus of life.

Let us focus on leading a pure life, not enagaging in any arguement with any vishnava (SriVaishnava or other vaishnavas), being genuinely kind to common people, and faithfully follow our acharyas. Acharayas will deal with the miscreants at different levels; we just need to cooperate with our acharyas, and strictly abide by their guidelines.

adiyen dasan.

Amazing reply Kambandasan Swami, personally have dealt similar situation esp. with some family members and adiyen learned it the hard way what you said. adiyen don’t remember (pardon me) the name of the oranvazhi acharya quoted by our Swami in his upanyasams, “when you witness a bad situation/person, try to change it, if not possible leave the place / avoid the person” 

on July 11, 2021

Dhanyosmi Swamy
This was just a heads up. We should be aware of what’s going on in our surrounding. YouTube AI suggested “Vadakalai & Thenkalai differences”. Adiyen thought there will be something to learn. I did not even comment there because I know it will generate revenue for them neither liked or disliked. No activity. AI will leave videos with no activity.

Well done Vikram swamy. glad that you didn’t leave any footprint at that site. 

Sometimes it may be tempting to rebuttal them by highlighting their duplicity. But it is of no use. These people crave for attention – measured by the number of visit to their pages or number of comments / feedbacks to them. That is all that matters to them. They don’t mind negative attention even; they would go to any extent – even by uncalled for initigations and thrive in the attention thereof! The best thing to do is to not to feed their craving tendency even a little.

adiyen dasan.

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