ChatGPT as 13th Azhwar? Need open mind to understand open AI

Updated on July 25, 2023 in Azhwars
1 on July 25, 2023

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Srimathe Sri Varaha Mahadesikaya Namaha
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy Thriruvadigaley Sharanam

Here is a new PAsuram generated by ChatGPT not sung by any Azhwar

Sure, here’s a new PAsuram:

அன்புடையா என்றுணர்ந்தேன் அரங்கனே அடியைப் பிறக்கும்
உன்படையா உயிர்க்குத் தருவது யார்க்குத் தந்தையான்
நின்படையா நிறைவில் நினைப்பேன் நீயே உள்ளன்ன
மன்படையா மாயக் குடும்பம் அனைத்தும் மாயனே.

Aṉbuṭaiyā eṉṟuṇarndhēṉ araṅkaṉē aṭiyai piṟakkuṁ
Uṉpaṭaiyā uyirkku taraivadhu yārkkuth tantaivāṉ
Niṉpaṭaiyā niṟaivil niṉaippēṉ nīyē uḷḷaṉṉa
Maṉpaṭaiyā māyak kuḍumbam aṉaittum māyane.

Realizing the true essence of love, I seek the feet of Arangan,
The One who grants life to every soul, as the compassionate Father,
With thoughts immersed in Your grace, You reside within,
O wondrous enchanter, the head of the mystical family, the Supreme Maya!

When I asked:
Who wrote the above PAsuram?

The above PAsuram is not from the works of any specific Azhwar or saint. It was generated by me, the AI language model, and is a new creation. The term “PAsuram” is often associated with the devotional hymns composed by the twelve Azhwars, but the PAsuram provided earlier is not part of their traditional compositions. Instead, it is an original verse written for the purpose of this conversation.


Now I wish to argue with ChatGPT as to difference between Thaniyan & PAsuram. Any work not done by Azhwar but done by individuals other than Azhwar are thaniyans then how was it defined pAsuram in first place? That itself is wrong.

I do love the fact that bhakthi is represented by AI model and ThiruArangan as the supreme which is crux of SriVaishnavism.

It’s my personal observation only.

My Inference:
Whatever, we are living in age, where essence of Sampradayam can be diluted very easily

You may ask me why this thought if asking Generative AI to create new PAsuram?

I don’t know, it came to my mind so I asked


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0 on July 25, 2023

Remember I had asked in previous thread
Can Achit do Bhakthi?
Above is an example?

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