Can we (normal people) involve in others actions and suggest what is correct or not?

Updated on August 31, 2020 in Karma
6 on August 21, 2020

Sri Ramanujaye namah

Namaskaram Swami,

Whenever I see when someone is doing something wrong I used to tell don’t do so it’s paavam and try to restrict them and after that mostly I end up disturbed my peace. Its something like as I have controlled some activity the paavam has come to me? It’s something like when we are suggesting others we are acting like controller that’s why the paavam has come to us. I can understand that God is the only controller, but when someone is doing wrong should we just watch then thinking let’s not involve in others matters and God will take care as he is the controller?

Request you to please clarify whether we can involve in others matters or not.. As I’m confused that if we won’t involve I feel like selfish or self concerned and if we involve its becoming like controller and ending up taking others karma and getting disturbed.


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0 on August 21, 2020

🔶Namaskaram swamy,🔶
If someone is doing wrong , you can say what is correct or wrong.
If they accepted it, you are saving a person from wrong path.☺️
But if they neglect it, avoid advising them from the next time.☺️

🔸Adiyen ramanuja dasan🔸

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0 on August 22, 2020

Srimate Ramanujaya namaha,
Also if they are like dependents or some one placed under our care by Perumaal we can advice or suggest otherwise not always necessary.
Secondly, when we advice we should strictly be in the mood that we are an instrument of Krishna.
Thirdly, there should be a loving relationship that exists between the two persons, only then they will accept, else logic alone does not work for many people.
Finally we also need to be detached if our advice will be followed or not, they may need some more time to mature, like how we ourselves dont follow 100 percent what Krishna would like us to do.

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0 on August 22, 2020

Srimate Ramanujaye namah,

Swami has graced by answering it in todays enpani audio 1843.

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2 on August 22, 2020

Srimate Ramanujaye namah,

Lots of thanks for the clarification in enpani Swamy. Today my day started with your audio only Swami, it was much relief after hearing the clarification. I need to put efforts to adapt whatever you had advised and change my perspective.

Thanks to other two adiyens also who has provided their comments.


Soul Swami: A small suggestion 😊

Devareer mentioned “Thanks to other two adiyens also who has provided their comments.” When referring to self, we refer to as “adiyen” but when referring to others we refer them to as “Swami” or “Devareer”. So your statement should be “Thanks to the other two Swamis who also have provided their comments.”

on August 31, 2020

Nandri Swamy for correcting it.. Actually I was in understanding that Adiyen means the servant of lord so I referred them as Adiyen.

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