BhagavAN ShriRama’s SETHU Bridge constructed before the LOST Continent Kumari Kandam?

Updated on December 5, 2017 in General
0 on December 5, 2017

Srimatae Ramanujaya Namaha,

Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami Guruvae Namaha,


Madhippukkuriya Sri VelukkudiKrishnan Swami Thiruvadigalaey Sharanam,




There has been a saying that a Continent “KUMARI KANDAM or LEMURIA” existed in the past based on evidences found under Indian ocean.


This continent connected present India southern tip (including Kerala & Tamilnadu) on one side and bottom left side connected to East of Madagascar & bottom right side connected to West of Australia as in below link.


Its been said, this an Ancient TAMIL DYNASTY. Some also say, Matysa Purana says about this Kumari Kandam.

Devareer once said in an Enpani audio that the whereabouts of the MERU mountain is unknown. But KUmari Kandam Pictures, shows the MERU Mountain existed in this Kandam and now may be under ocean. Like SriKrishna’s Dwaraka under water & SriRama’s Dhanushkodi almost under water.



The Image of Kumari Kandam shows there was NO separate SriLanka Island at that time as it was inclusive of the land Lemuria/Kumari Kandam.

Is this True. What does Puranas say about it Swami.



* Did it get sunk at Krita Yugam before ShriRama Avatar in Treta Yugam, and some left over portion that was not sunk is present SriLanka. Is this correct Swami?. If so, it makes more sense why BhagavAn ShriRama following the Protocol of Leela Vibhooti (as Manushya Avatara), had to make a Sethu Bridge to cross SriLanka as in Valmiki Ramayana and visible to us in Satellite Images (Dhristam) for us to Cherish with as ShriRama’s ShriPaadha Sthalam.



* The researchers looking at the under water KUmari Kandam, predict its existence as 20,000years before and got sunk. If that is true, then ShriRama Sethu Bridge couldnot not be built as SriLanka was ALL-IN-One land connecting south of India. So this Kandam should have exsisted way before ShriRama Avatar in Treta YUgam. So, did the KUmari Kandam exsited in Krita Yugam (Stahya Yugam) or previous Chatur Yugam and got sunk before Shri Rama Avatar.


Present Kali Yuga is almost 5000+ years now.

Previous Dwapara Yuga (SriKrishna Avatar) is 2*432,000 years,

Prior Treta Yuga (Shri Rama Avatar) is 3*432,000 years.

So this Kumari Kandam should be atleast before Treta Yugam almost 2,165,000 years minimum.



* Was MEru Mountain in KUmari Kandam and now under ocean as per the images in below link. What does Puranas says about it Swami.



* If KUmari Kandam was full of Tamil CUlture and language, Adiyen always think, how such a small present Tamil Nadu has a UNIQUE ANCIENT Tamil language like the Sanskrit with no mixing of other languages. This makes more sense as to the existence of Sanskrit & Tamil as TWO distinct Independent languages and TAmil was grossly spoken in a bigger continent as a whole and now under ocean.



* Did People in KUmari Kandam follow a Sathvika CUlture following Sathvika Puranas primarily or more of Rajas/Tamas culture following Rajasik/Tamasik Puranas.



* Did BhagvAn had a Sankalpam not to have this Kumari Kandam anymore and made Tsunami and sunk it.



* If Kumari Kandam existed in Previous CHatur Yugam, did Alwars and Tamil Passurams also existed in the same area as present Tamil Nadu or in the Kumari Kandam.




Like, how Para Vasudevan in SriVaikuntam is ‘Adhrishtam’ (cannot be seen), but in the form of Archai/Idol is ‘Drishtam’ (can be seen). In a similary way, adiyen would like to know what does Puranas or Ancient Tamil Literature or Sanskrit Literature says about this Kumari Kandam for Dhrishtam experience to clear confusion about the floating stories and floating videos, though the evidences seen under Indian ocean are true as in the above link.



Swami, Kindly Please clarify whern Devareer Time Permits.

Adiyenai Shamikka Prarthikkiraen, if this is irrelevant.



Adiyen Sri Velukkudi Krishna Dasan,

Adiyen Acharya Dasan,

Adiyen Ramanuja Dasan,

Shri Rama BHayya Sita Matha ki Jai,

Maakkan Chor SriKrishna BhagavAn ki Jai.

Sarvam SriKrishanrpanam Asthu


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