Being good doing good?

Updated on September 4, 2022 in Good qualities for human
9 on August 13, 2022

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Srimathe Sri Varaha Mahadesikaya Namaha
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy Thiruvadigaley Sharanam

One of my office Director asked an interesting question.

A employee person did not pickup call. Client was asking questions.

As per policiy i could have taken action. Work ethics. I waited.

At that moment employee was wrong.

Later in the evening I got call from him that his mother is hospitalized.

Now employee seems right.

Now what should I do?

My question:
Swamy, This is not new. What to do during conflicts between professional & personal ethics?


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6 on August 13, 2022

Swami yesterday’s enpani 2660 is slightly relevant to your question?

on August 14, 2022

Don’t know Swamy,

Thatti ketpadhu vs porumai / moving away in Perumal vishyam vs personal vishayam.

Once there is a reaction or conspiracy the life of an employee is lost.

When things are not under control we cannot keep following office protocols.

That’s why I raised this question.


on August 14, 2022

No swamy I referred to 2660 ” conflict between bhakthi and loukeeka principles”.

Also 2661 is numbered as 2561by typo error in app.


on August 14, 2022

Swamy for the particular instance for which you have raised question, a good manager takes action based on overall attitude of the employee , seen in long term and not based on single instance or activity. Then conflicting situations are reduced perhaps.( we know this based on how Perumaal and acharyaas treat us)


on September 4, 2022

Dhanyosmi EnPaNi fan Swamy

on September 4, 2022

Even long term can be mis-judged.

Theera Visaarippadhey Mei


on September 4, 2022

I have seen managers or teachers saying:

“Unna pathi enakku theriyum”

This itself will become a blockade to judge someone because assessor goes with a pre-conceived notion


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0 on August 15, 2022

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha,

It seems like the Office Director is in dilemma by asking the question “………..Now what should I do?……….”

These are the steps a supervisor and a working member either in Office or Charity center or any type of firms should maintain in NORMAL times so that the misconception or miscommunication or misunderstanding between both parties on an emergency situation can be well balanced and satisfied instead of facing the situation for first time.

  1. The Supervisor responsibility to set up a One-to-One meeting with each of his/her team member on weekly basis to discuss a) Professional tasks progress, any hindrance etc…. and b) personal issues, like is everything going with you and your family etc….any plans for weekends, vacation, travel etc….. This can be short and crisp and not detail. I have noticed some people tell their supervisor that I need to go for temple service on weekend etc…..If Supervisor is not setting up this meeting, then the staff to take initiation and inform supervisor ahead that I would like to have a one-to-one meeting with you. Please make sure to ask for permission to set up meeting as “is that ok with you in your busy schedule”.
  2. Never use pessimistic language with your supervisor.
  3. Don’t be overly humble to supervisor, be respectful, maintain dignity and good body language, talk to the fact and avoid loose talks.
  4. Never gossip about other staff members or judge them.
  5. Don’t take criticism and suggestions personally,
  6. Supervisor to give credit to others,
  7. Supervisor to be like a Caring steward.
  8. Always provide positive feedback and inform how you want to progress within the firm.
  9. Show gratitude for the supervisor feedback and insights that you are given.
  10. Don’t refuse to complete Reasonable tasks.
  11. If any major personal issue going on like parents/wife/children sick, or house water problem, or other legal land issues….name it whatever it is…..and inform supervisor ahead in the one-to-ne weekly meeting in the personal issue agenda timing, so that the supervisor is aware that it and understands if the employee misses a client call or don’t show up to firm. He/She (supervisor) will wait till the staff informs them about the reason of the delay.
  12. After you explain your personal issues to your supervisor, redirect your attention toward the work and stay away from the problem. Doing this impresses your supervisor that you are proactive and committed to the responsibilities of your role, and they will be able to help the employee when in need in critical situations.
  13. Be Timely and Loyal to the firm, since they Trust you by giving salary even if they know you don’t have any work at times. Money is a big thing in current world for personal life, issues, hospital, donation, service etc….
  14. Leadership is dealing with Sentient People and not with Insentient Tasks, since Tasks are done by Sentient People who has emotions. So, Supervisor to deal with the team members more diligently.

For the above situational question, specific to the Supervisor dilemma, Adiyen would recommend the Supervisor to follow the step 1,6,7,14 and the staff to follow the rest of the points.

Adiyen (ElayaAlwar) Srinivasa (DhoddyacharyAr) Dasan.

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0 on September 4, 2022

Dhanyosmi Swamy for great advice and recommendation.

Adiyen will share these as applicable.


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