Are humans entitled?

Updated on November 29, 2022 in Karma
2 on November 29, 2022

Dear shri vellukudi swami,

While on a walk with my son yesterday, i typically use these opportunities to instill basics around our religion, thanks to your lucid explanations. I was asked a simple question by him that got me stumped. There was this routine mozzie fogging going on to kill these vectors. Does the paavam associated with killing these insects add to the fogger or the guy who asked him to fog and he was merely doing his duty? The fogger of course was my response. He replied- the fogger was helping society by fogging, if he gets the paavam then nobody would have told him about it and the poor fellow is unaware of it. How we as humans are entitled to carry out this deed as the mozzie is also created for a purpose. If we can destroy it so can it have the right to harm us. Citing the Gita he asked how we can be the Lord and destroy this vector and take all the paavam? Does the Lord bestow us with such powers ? What about the Lord’s karunai for these vectors? There were other following questions which left me clueless. I promised him to get the clarity by asking You.

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0 on November 29, 2022

Thanks much, it is clear that one should not be using pesticides at home to clear the vectors. Probably better to use creams and lotions to keep them away from us rather than expect the corporation to eliminate them

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