Any Pariharam for Alcohol Consumption as medicine?

Updated on January 24, 2018 in Good qualities for human
1 on January 24, 2018

Shri Velukkudi Swamigalin Porpadhangalukku Daasanu Daasan Srinivasanin Aneka Koti Namaskarangal.

Swamy. Consumption of alcohol is considered as one of Pancha Maha Padhakangal. Though we consciously don’t consume alcohol, it has become a part of medicines. We see alcohol contents in medicines like cough syrup. Adiyen have seen alcohol contents in some homeopathy medicines also and the medicine gives cure for life threatening problems.

As consumption of alcohol is considered a sin as per saastras, do we have any Pariharam for the same?

In Chandogya Upanishad, Ushasti (a Brahmin) lived in a village full of mahout. As per Saastras, a Brahmin shall not consume food in others plates after Upanayanam (except wife), even if it is with his own mother. But, when there was a question of survival, Ushasti shared food in a mahout’s plate. When he was offered water which was in a glass tasted by mahout, Ushasti refused to take. When mahout questioned, Ushasti said, “I was struggling for my survival. So, I took the food tasted by you. But now, I am saved by consuming your food. If I take your water now, I will be acting against Saastras.”

So, does Sastras avoid unrecommended consumables also when there is a question of survival? Can this Chandogya Upanishad clause be applied for such medicines with alcohols also or if it is still avoidable, do we have any Pariharam in Saastras?

It may look like a controversial question. But, intention is not to consume alcohol and do Pariharam. Adiyen say strict “no” for consumption of alcohol. It’s genuinely about medicines. Answer may give peace to myself and many Saastra followers.

Daasanu Daasan

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0 on January 24, 2018

Very valid concern Swami…one option is to useayurvedic choornams leghyam etc….but some of theayurvedic medicines like asavams also contain mild form of alcohol
More concerningisthe widespread useofnon veg based additives in many processed foods and listing them as codeswhich common men cannotidentify…I have posted this list earlier in a discussion about non veg based ayurvedic medicines

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