anushtanam without iccha

Updated on November 18, 2017 in General
1 on November 17, 2017

If we start doing the anushtana only as a sake of duty without any longingness or iccha initially on advice of our budhi to know these lead to nitya ananda inorder to get away from the loukika sukha inspite it seems to be giving pleasure and manas feels heavy and difficult to move to something new
Will it slowly increase our state of manas to purity??

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0 on November 18, 2017

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha

Yes, if adiyen understood question correctly, anushtAnams will lead to Chitta Shuddhi. Chitta Shuddhi to nAma sankeerthanam to sharanagathi. SharanAgathi to moksham.

While doing anustAnams we might get even ashta mahA siddhis as a by product. It has to be tributed to the lotus feets of SriRam like Rishi Vishwamitra and we have to keep moving on.


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