aham smarAmi mad bhaktam, in whose seperation did king Dasaratha depart?

Updated on June 3, 2021 in Avatars
1 on June 2, 2021

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Srimathe Sri Varaha Mahadesikaya Namaha
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy Thiruvadigaley Sharanam


Could anyone do better nAma sankeerthanam dhan Dasaratha himself?

He simply calls SriRama, he simply asks SriRama to go back

He adores the front and back beauty of SriRama

He departed in SriRam’s thought. This is undoubtedly true because he could not bear the seperation

Coming to Sri Varaha Charama Shlokam, towards the end , I will remind my devotee my remembrance (smArayAmi) for a sharanAgathan and smarAmi for non sharanAgathan adiyen understand

Please wait, BharathAzhwAn a parama BhAgavathan , a big BhAgavatha apachAram, so getting swargam itself is a great achievement

Again, we have to see from Dasaratha’s point of view/perspective. Technically either way he broke the word.

He promised the public SriRam to throne the next day. Due to Kaikeyi Amma, it did not happen. So he getting angry on Kaikeyi Amma and BharathAzhwAn Swamy is understandable as a husband/father.

I am not justifying but that’s the normal usual behaviour of any parent.

We all know BharathAzhwAn is parama BhAgavatha how do we expect King Dasaratha to know at that juncture?

If we were to get something and next day we didn’t get won’t we usually scold them?

Also while dying King Dasaratha was thinking of SriRam only I am 100% Sathyam

Therefore only valid reasoning is, SriRam wanted to show his Divya Mangala Dharma Roopam/Swaroopam as a serthi dharisanam to King Dasaratha in swargam after Ravana vadham because Dasaratha was longing for SriRam while dying

Else why will Dasaratha get Swargam in between before ascending to SriVaikuntam?

Getting swargam as a punishment for BhAgavatha apachAram does not seem a valid argument.

If Dasaratha don’t get Vaikuntham , who am I to get? What’s the value of SriVaikuntam?

Where is NAma sankeerthana mahimai?
What will happen to all Charama Shlokam and pAsurams?


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