Achit Ku MOksham undA?

Updated on July 16, 2018 in Avatars
3 on July 14, 2018

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha

In Krishna avathAra we see from dhadhi pandan Charithram pot got MOksham

Also according to thirukolur pen Pillai rahasyam she says:
“இங்கில்லை என்றேனோ ததி பாண்டனை போலே”

Does a achit qualify for MOksham? Does it become Chit in Srivaikuntam?

Pleated explain Swamy

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Srimathe Ramanujaya Namah!

My small understanding, as you may know, is that in Sri Vaikuntam, we have achit but they are made up of Shuda Satvam unlike the achit here, which is made up of prakruti. Now if any achit from here go there and get converted to Shuda Sattva or not is something beyond my small knowledge. 


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0 on July 16, 2018

Swami, as per my understanding moksham and bondage happens only to cit , as it is related to our free will and how we use it.

Since Acit does not have desire or free will , it does not apply. Actual moksham is doing kainkaryam, so acit cannot do that actually.

But some cit may be trapped inside a acit in dormant state and that cit is what probably getting liberated.

However, I think i have heard that in Vaikunatam everything is cit, even so called objects like flute etc.. they are cit.

The difference is flute in Vaikuanta is consciously serving the Lord and here it has no consciousness.

If there are any mistakes kindly correct.



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0 on July 16, 2018

Dhanyosmi for Interesting answers

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