About the recent pics Sri Ramanujacharyar sannidhi in Srirangam

Updated on December 13, 2022 in Acharyas
5 on November 23, 2020

Adiyen Ramanuja Dasan!
Recently I am seeing a lot of pics being forwarded in Wapp grps where there is pic of emperumanars vigraham(of Srirangam as said )and a description below saying that the thirumeni is his original body preserved using sandalwood paste etc etc and no chemicals are used etc etc..
Personally I had heard in some of your upanyasam where u spoke about Sanyasis are returned to bhoo matha(buried in) and not cremated (hope I got the wordings right) and I thought all this is something fake
But when u see this so periodically like every 3days and people u know tell u with so much confidence that this is the truth u will enter the confusion zone(which I am in right now)
So I really hope Velukkudi Swamy answers this and clear my confusion so that I can say to family/friends with proof that which is right and wrong
Eagerly waiting for your answer…..Dasan!

Acharyar thuruvadigale saranam!

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4 on November 23, 2020

Q2) Ramanuja’s body is said to come out of the Earth after he was buried and was preserved at which temple
A. Melkote
B. Sriperumbudur
C. Srirangam
D. Thirukoshtiyur

Time up. C is correct.

Ramanuja’s thiruvarasu (sacred burial shrine) is the Ramanuja shrine (sannidhi) located inside the Sri Ranganathaswamy temple. Sandalwood paste and saffron are used to maintain the body and no other chemicals are added.
Twice a year, a coat of camphor mixed with saffron, which produces ochre/orange tint on the preserved body and this tradition has been practiced for more than 878 years.
His body is placed behind his idol and is open for darshan to all devotees.
One can notice nails on fingers, which indicate that it is actually a human body.

Copypaste ^

This has also become a quiz question and I saw this in the Kinchitkaram trust member grp itself

The Vimala Charama tirumeni of Swamy is below the earth and his Vigraha form is above the earth. You can say the Thiruvarasu is his sannidhi.

on November 23, 2020

Tysm Swamy!
Adiyen dasan!

Srinivasa swamy, namaskaram. Thank you for your question; and our Swamy has kindly answered it.

May I please place a suggestion for your kind consideration. When we speak to someone so exalted like our Swamy, to use abbreviation and sms lingo is not considered ettiquette. I am sure we have the time to switch off the ‘auto’ mode and type the full phrases to express our feelings. 

Kindly do not take offence at what I have shared here. Thank you so much.

adiyen dasan.

on December 13, 2022

Adiyen Dasan!
Dhanyosmi Swami!
Thanks for correcting me.

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