978 Excellent Grammar example Swamy

Updated on April 6, 2018 in General
2 on April 5, 2018

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha

Only Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy can give such amazing perfect striking example. Yes Grammar is required only a certain extent to facilitate communication and it reaches the way as it needs to be.

If we keep learning only English grammar adiyen doubt if we would learn to communicate using the language. Same applies to vyAkaraNa shAstram in Sanskrit that came from vEda.

Communication is more important than grammar at least for beginners like adiyen.

Like Mukkur Lakshmi NrusimhAchArichiyAr Swamy used to say in an upanyasam we will be wondering “Karana” va illa “karaney” va.

Adiyen understand it as “Kaadha” or “Kaadhugala”? (Apologies if understanding is wrong)

Only dharga shAstram is THE BEST. It applies more logic.


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Sri Ramanuja Munaye Namaha,

Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami ThiruvAdigalaey Sharanam for beautiful examples in enpani 978 to make things in a easy understandale way.

Perfectly said Bgagavata as “Only Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy can give such amazing perfect striking example”.

Adiyen would like to add some notes Hailing Swami’s simplicity and magnanimity in explaining BhagavAt Vishayam as:

“தேர் மேல்- ஊர் மேல்- வேர் மேல்” nyayam.

தேர் மேல்-
BhagavAn SriKrishna stood on Chariot (தேர்) and gave BhagavAt Gita to Arjuna, but Arjuna didnot do Sharanagathy, since too much information was shared by BhagavAn (difficult Upasanas “Karma-Gyana-Bhakthi yoga margam” each takes many janmas to complete) and revealed only 2 or 3 slokas about Sharanagathy Margam, and ‘didnot tell FIRMLY’ to Arjuna that Reaching Moksham is ultimate goal of life.

ஊர் மேல்-
Swami Ramanujar took the EXTRACT Sharanagathy slokas from BG and gave it to all who has Aasai to go Moksham by standing on top of the village (ஊர்) temple vimaanam in Thirukozhtiyoor and Swami told the essence of Bhagavan’s mind to all as those Who are interested, please come and do Sharanagathy on BhagavAn’s lotus feet instead of following Upasana Maargam.

வேர் மேல்-
Sri Velukkudi Swami is one step ahead and has said in Upanyasam that “Upasana is difficult to start and needs to continue for many janmas to get results, and Sharanagathy on SriKrishna’s feet directly has Many post criteria to be followed which is possible for Yogis and not like us”. So, instead of Catching on BhagsvAn lotus feet Upasana or Sharanagathy (Athma Nivadanam) on Bhagavans lotus feet directly.
BhagavAn SriKrishna is responsible for BOTH our Birth and Moksham, but Swami Ramanujar is responsible for our MOKSHAM only and will not give us Re-birth.
It is much easier to catch hold of the Lotus feet of Swami Ramanujar through Vardhamana Acharyas for Definite Moksham and Nithya Kainkaryam, as SWAMI RAMANUJAR IS KAARE-KARUNAI only So Swami is one step ahead and revealed to all of us about the root (வேர்) of the Tree (Bhagavan) as UYYA ORAEY VAZHI UDAYAVAR THIRUVADI ” is the simplest route to Moksham .

“தேர் மேல்- ஊர் மேல்- வேர் மேல்” nyayam.
(BhgavAn – Swami Ramanujar – Sri Velukkudi Swami).

Mokshatthai namakku Acharyar ThiruvAdi moolam Ramanuja Sambhandham pettru, yelithil vaangi kuduttha Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami ThiruvAdigalaey Sharanam.

Adiyen Sri Velukkudi Krishna Dasan,
Uyya Oraey Vazhi UdayavAr ThiruvAdi,
Sarvam SriKrisharpanam Asthu,
Sarvam Sri Krishna Kudumbham.

on April 6, 2018

Dhanyosmi BhAgavatha

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