898 EnPaNI listeners profile

Updated on January 24, 2018 in General
3 on January 15, 2018

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha

Notifications are not generated in dasoham’s mobile so many of them don’t download.

Only people who are interested opens app and download. That’s the reason for last 10000 not listening.


  • Liked by
0 on January 15, 2018

Daily update notifications. May be it should be started in background when mobile starts. Auto start needs to be checked every time when app opens.

This will force users to select auto start settings and enable daily notifications.

Adiyen’s Humble opinion.

  • Liked by
0 on January 23, 2018

Hi testing team,
Notification worked. Thanks.
Vikram Srinivasan

  • Liked by
0 on January 24, 2018

Yes very true..not all people are dowoading regularly and listening…Today’s world offers multiple distractions in terms of entertainment competitive work and academic environment long travels in traffic etc…so people are not focussed in hearing.
My own family members are an example so I download everyday file from enapani and send them whatsapp…so it is only one click away for them…for some of them particularly senior people it works and useful..for others younger ones it still does not matter…they postpone hearing….
One probable suggestion is to give some kind of point system for those who download and hear everyday…and after reaching certain no of points either a ticket to have darsham at tirupathi or srirangam can be given…such allotments are probably necessary for today’s people to get them motivated to hear….

Just a suggestion…details can vary .


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