பிணத்தயும் தூக்கி கொண்டு தானே போகிறோம்

Updated on May 8, 2022 in General
2 on May 8, 2022

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Srimathe Sri Varaha Mahadesikaya Namaha
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy Thiruvadigaley Sharanam


உயிர் இல்லா உடலுக்கு பெருமை உண்டு
உயிர் உடைய உடலுக்கு பெருமை கிடையாதா?

படத்திற்கும் சமாதிக்கும் மலர் வளையம் எதற்கு?

செத்தவருக்கு மூக்கு இருக்கிறதா? 😂

மலரின் நறுமணம் இறந்தவர் உணரவா போகிறார்?
பகுத்து அறிவுக்கு உடன்ப்பாடு தென் படவில்லையே 😊


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1 on May 8, 2022

Nam Swamiyin Abhiprayam Pol anbirkkum nyAnathirkkum mudhal idam
Idhil oru thavarum illai

In fact, I remember ,our leg should not touch the Pretham even by accident

There Pretam is also Vishnu

Idhu nam nambikkai

Nambikkai adhAney Ellam


Vikram swamy,

When I try to understand why the people who oppose our expression of respect and devotion to our Guru do so, this is what I realise:

The opposition is not on the grounds of “paguththarivu” logic (wherein, the subscriber of this philosophy believes only in those things that are perceivable and tangible to our senses, and not accept any metaphysical principles simply based on faith on those who have the ability to perceive things that are beyond the perception of commoners). 


The opposition is based on the grounds of “suya-mariyaadhai” – ‘self-respect’ principle. According to this principle, it is not wrong to carry a child, sick, elderly, invalid or the dead. But it is wrong to carry another mortal in a mood of servitude. All mortals must be considered equal and so there should be no such expression of servitude which could lead to exploitation. Being a servant for a compensation (eg. salary) is okay; but not based on caste or religion (there is some role for ‘pagutharivu’ concept here).


What these opposers do not realise is this: we all are salves of our senses. These senses bind us to this world and trouble us endlessly. Our Gurus are the those who have conquered their senses and are helping us break free from our slavery to our senses. So, we voluntarily submit ourselves to them and eagerly render service to them.

It is because of our Gurus we are gradually becoming free from the demands and impulses of our senses. We are free from addiction to intoxications. 


But subscribers of the so called ‘pagutharivu’ group and ‘suyamariyaadhai’ group do not realise their addictions as slavery to the sense demands; they perceive it at freedom of choice! (that is the nature of tamo-gunam; it makes one perceive things the exact opposite of what it is!). 


Let us practise proper discrimination (vivegam) and suyamariyaadhai; let us become free from our slavery to our senses. Let us return back to our original position of servitude to our eternal parents, by rendering service to Their servants – our Gurus.

Sri Velukkudi Swamy thiruvadigale saranam.

adiyen dasan.

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