After Moksham Bhagawan can send jeevan to be born as Bhakthan?

Updated on November 29, 2022 in Acharyas
20 on November 23, 2022

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Srimathe Sri Varaha Mahadesikaya Namaha
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy Thiruvadigaley Sharanam

In this interview at 6:15 secs, Ahobila jeeyar Swamy opines “Maru janmam after Moksham as Bhakthan if bhagawan wishes is ok, it should not be self wish to earn money”

Does it not contradict “Na cha punar Avarthathey “?

So even after Moksham there is possibility of re-birth?

Please clarify


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2 on November 23, 2022

I have listened in the upanyasam of Sri Velukkudi swamy ::

Some mukthatmas may be sent by Bhagwan to leela vibhudhi to do kainkaryam. But I am not sure whether mukthatmas can take birth on their wish.

on November 24, 2022

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Srimathe Sri Varaha Mahadesikaya Namaha
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy Thiruvadigaley Sharanam

Therefore what Iskcon bhaktha told is right. One may return to Leela vibhuthi even after being mukthAthmA.

There is this possibility. So Mukthi is not an end in itself. What adiyen learned all these days became wrong!?

What’s the point if one can return to Leela vibhuthi even for the purpose of Kainkaryam? It doesn’t make any difference if Kainkaryam is done in this Leela or Nithya.


on November 24, 2022

Adiyen literally shattered for two reasons:

1. Iskcon the new age school of thought has better understanding of our siddhantham
2. As a SriVaishnavite, adiyen had been duped all these days

“Na cha punar Avarthathey” of Veda is a mere statement that has no real authenticity.


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1 on November 24, 2022

Is there a possibility of KArya Vaikuntham and real Vaikuntham difference here?

Veda can never be wrong. 🤔


on November 24, 2022

Nityasuris, vaikuntavasis, are sent to leela vibudhi by perumal.

When mukthatmas are sent to leela vibudhi by perumal, then perumal has to take care of him, so that he does not get involved in materialistic / samsaric cycle.

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Please listen to Enpani 1712

முக்தி அடைந்தவர் திரும்ப வருவாரா

before discussing further on this topic. 


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0 on November 24, 2022

The difference is கர்மாவினால் திரும்ப வரமாட்டார் and  பெருமாளினால் அனுப்பி வைக்கப் படுவார்.

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0 on November 24, 2022

சரி ஸ்வாமி! இருப்பினும், பகவானால் தான் நாம் பிறப்பெடுத்திருக்கிறோம் (தன் கர்மத்தினால் அல்ல) என்று அந்த முக்தாத்மாவுக்கு கட்டாயம் தெரிந்திருக்க வேண்டும்!

– அடியேன்

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0 on November 24, 2022

One who attains mukti, he will not be born again. This is sathyam.
Only nithya soori’s avesha avatara will be sent to leela vibhuti, whenever needed. That avesha avatara of nithya soori will be brought back safely.

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0 on November 24, 2022

Reference : Swamy RAmAnujA’s Sri BhAshyam (Chapters 3 and 4) by SrImathy SarOjA RamAnujam  @

As an explanation to the last sutra of the 4th chapter,

anAvrtthi sabdhAth anAvrtthin sabdhAthh-4- 4-22

it is mentioned that :-

To the question that if the power and glory of the released soul depends on the will of the supreme self will there be a possibility of return to the world by the soul thus released., the suthra answers that it is not so.


Further the author explains what Ramanujar adds in this context and ends up with what  Ramanuja says as follows,


na cha ucchinnakarmabanDha sya asankuchithajnAnasy a parabrahmAnubhavaik a

svabhAvasya thadhEkapriyasya anavaDHik athisayAnandham brahma anubhavathah

anyApEksha athadharTHArambhAdh yasambhavAth punarAvrtthi shanka; na cha

parampurushah sathyasankalpah athyarTHa priyam jnAninam labDHvA kadhAchith



That is, for the released soul who has destroyed all his karma, his knowledge being expanded to its real form, his nature established in the experience of Brahman cannot have any possible desire and no work to be undertaken on that account. The Lord, who is of infallible will make his most dear devotee return to samsara again.


I have given both Sanskrit and English version to check up if there is any variation in the translation, as I do not know sanskrit. Both Sanskrit and English version are given as it is mentioned in the reference.

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0 on November 26, 2022

Resp. Sri. U. Ve. Velukkudi Krishnan swamy,

Thank you very much for clarifying through enpani audio #2666 titled “வைகுந்தம் சென்றவன் திரும்புவானா?”.


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0 on November 26, 2022

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Srimathe Sri Varaha Mahadesikaya Namaha
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy Thiruvadigaley Sharanam

Incredible explanation by Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy
This is what adiyen was expecting. Arputham.

So KarmAvinAl piravi kidaiyAdhu
PerumAl SwAthanthriyam will prevail



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0 on November 26, 2022

Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy please forgive me for using strong words.

Navam Navam pAthram aham dayA:


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