பரசுராம அவதாரத்தின் பிரயோஜனம்?

Updated on May 16, 2020 in Avatars
20 on April 17, 2020

சுவாமிகளுக்கு அடியேன் நமஸ்காரம்
பாகவதாளுக்கும் அடியேன் நமஸ்காரம்

சாதுக்களை காப்பதற்கும், துஷ்டர்களை அழிப்பதற்கும், தர்மத்தை நிலை நாட்டுவதற்கும் தான் அவதாரம் எடுப்பதாக பகவானே கூறியுள்ளார்.

ராவணனை அழிக்க ராம அவதாரம். கம்சனை அழிக்க கிருஷ்ணா அவதாரம், ஹிரண்யனை அழிக்க நரசிம்ம அவதாரம் என்று இருக்க, பரசுராம அவதாரம் எதற்காக?

சாது சம்ரக்ஷணம், துஷ்ட நிரசணம், தர்ம ஸ்தாபனம் – இந்த மூன்றையும் பரசுராம அவதாரத்தோடு எப்படி ஒப்பிட்டு பார்க்க வேண்டும்?

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1 on April 18, 2020

Srimate Ramanujaye Namaha!


Yes swami the reason you have quoted for incarnation is correct “சாதுக்களை காப்பதற்கும், துஷ்டர்களை அழிப்பதற்கும், தர்மத்தை நிலை நாட்டுவதற்கும் தான் அவதாரம் எடுப்பதாக பகவானே கூறியுள்ளார்.”

In case of Parasuramar, I think he had the role to correct the errant Kshatriya kings and to establish back dharma.



on April 19, 2020

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Srimathe Sri Varaha Mahadesikaya Namaha
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy Thiruvadigaley Sharanam

Parashuram went to Kerala. Is he still living now?


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Yes,.He was still living in a mountain called Mahendra parvatam .
He will be only visible to rishis and gyanis.
He was the future guru of kalki bhagavan.
Adiyen ramanuja dasan

on April 19, 2020

Parashurama Garva Bhangam ? In Srimad Ramayana
Perumalukku yedhu garvam?


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3 on April 22, 2020

Srimathe Ramanuajya Namaha,

Namskaram Swami’s,

Clubbing incidents heard from Swami’s upanyasams with Acharya ThiruvAdi Bhalam and Velukkudi Swami’s Aasirvadham, Some Background about Parashuram, He is not Perumal’s Poorna Avatram. He is Avesha Avataram,

  • Poorna Avatram of BhagavAn are Sri Rama, SriKrishna, Sri Varaha, Sri NaraSimha etc..means Direct Avataram of BhagavAn “PARAMATHMA” without compromising any of HIS COUNTLESS Kalyana Gunas.
  • Avesha Avataram of BhagavAn is like imparting a JeevAthma with a small PORTION of Bhagavan’s ONE of the Countless Kalaya Gunas. Parashuram is one such case.

Story of Parashurama:

King Sahastrajun devastated Parashuram’s Father Jamadagni / Mother Renuka’s Ashram, when he didnot give the Kamadhenu cow which had divine qualities which they owned. So Parashuram became fierce & angry towards the king and he took vengeance on it, which makes it appear as சாதுக்களை காப்பதற்கும் , துஷ்டர்களை அழிப்பதற்கும் , தர்மத்தை நிலை நாட்டுவதற்கும் ……

Parashuram bitten the thousands of arms and trunk of the wicked Sahastrajun and killed him. After the execution of Sahastrajun, on the orders of his father Jamadagni, he went on a pilgrimage to Parasurama to perform the atonement of this slaughter. Then, after getting the opportunity, sons of Sahastrajun cut the head of Maharshi Jamadagni, the ascetic, with the help of their collaborator Kshatriyas, in their own ashram and killed them. The sons of Sahastrajun burned the ashram, killing all the sages of the ashram. Mother Renuka cried called his son Parashuram. When Parashuram heard the call of the mother and reached the ashram, the mother saw moaning and near the mother saw the father’s cut head and 21 wounds on his body.

Seeing this, Parshuram was very angry and sworn that he would not only destroy the Haiyah dynasty but his associates would destroy all the Kshatriya clan 21 times and destroy the Kshatriya land. It is mentioned in the Puranas that Parashuram also fulfilled his resolve.

With this Incident, Parashuram’s Vaasana was in Peak that HE started hating every Kings.

So during the Poorna Avataram of BhagavAn as SriRama, when HE broke the Shiva dhanush during marriage ceremony with Sita Piratti, Parasurama woke from his meditation and thought SriRama is another errant kShatriya king and came to kill him, that’s when SriRama did Parashuram’s Garva Bhamgam (dampened his anger for ever), and then on he gave his Vishnu dhanush to SriRama and left to Mahendra Parva for meditation.

Another way to think positively, is None of the Poorna Avatar’s meet each other as per Ithihaasas or Puranaas, since it is not necessary for two Poorna Avatras to meet when the purpose of Protection is accomplished by BhagavAn during ONE of HIS Direct Poorna Avatar’s. So if Parashuram and SriRama is meeting each other in one place, then the ideal thinking should be that parashuram is NOT Perumal, so we should not equate the question as “Perumalukku yedhu garvam“.

So Parashuram is NOT Perumal’s Poorna Avatram (Direct Avatram), rather Parashuram is a Avesha Avataram, like BhgavaAn SriRama imparting a JeevAthma (Parashurama) with a small PORTION of Bhagavan’s ONE of the Countless Kalaya Gunas for a temporary purpose.

If someone says Parashuram is Peruma’s Direct Poorna Avataram, then it will be a Total DISASTER & NONSENSE and BIG SIN, since someone will start correlating MahaLakshmi Thayar linking to some Stupid JeevAthma.

Hence Perumal doesn’t have Garva Bhangam, since Parashuram is NOT Perumal. Perumal has ONLY AUSPICIOUS COUNTLESS KALYANA GUNAS, which HE utilizes to dampen the Garvam of  other JeevAthma, if it is going beyond control like in the case of a Jeevathma Parashuram.

Adiyen (ElayaAlwar) Srinivasa (DhoddayaAcharyar) Dasan,

on April 22, 2020

Typo correction in last sentence. Fixed.

Hence Perumal doesn’t have Garvam, since Parashuram is NOT PerumalPerumal has ONLY AUSPICIOUS COUNTLESS KALYANA GUNAS, which HE utilizes to dampen the Garvam of  other JeevAthma, if it is going beyond control like in the case of a Jeevathma Parashuram.

on April 22, 2020

ElayaAlwar swamigalukku adiyen namaskaram.

Thank you for your above detailed explanation.

Yes, Parasurama was an Avesha Avatharam. But why only that avesha avatharam is mentioned in the Dasavatharam list, if he cannot be equated to Perumal?

on April 22, 2020

Check adiyen’s below 2nd thread instead of the immediate below thread, since below thread has text lines repeated and is confusing.

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0 on April 22, 2020

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha,

Namaskaram ntgk Swami,

Regarding devareer’s further stickum mind towards Parashuram reflected in the query as “……..But why only that avesha avatharam is mentioned in the Dasavatharam list…….”,

Acharya lineages who follow the TRUE Poorna Avatars of Perumal don’t consider Parashuram in their list.
Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha,

Namaskaram ntgk Swami,

Regarding devareer’s further query ” why only that avesha avatharam is mentioned in the Dasavatharam list”,

Acharya lineages who follow the Poorna Avatars of Perumal don’t consider Parashuram in their list.

BhagavAn takes innumerable Poorna avatars and notvlimitedva small list, like SriKrishna took avatar as “Amara Prabhuhu” a Tree which is not in the list. So creating a smaller list of BhagavAns Poorna avatars are fine but clubbing other Jeevathma’s like Parashuram’s personal vengance in to BhagavAn’s Poorna Avatars list is not welcome by Oran Vazhi GuruParamparai Acharyas.

People who has affinity towards others Jeevathma’s actions, let them adhere to it and make it popular as seen in the practical world, but when such list interferes with Oran Vazhi GuruParamparai Acharyas, then the list will the restructured to its original state with list of Poorna Avatars of BhagavAn only.

That’s why Parashuram idol is seen in general Sanatana Dharma Hindu temples, but won’t be seen in higher level Nishkrishta Vesham temples.

Adiyen (ElayaAlwar) Srinivasa (DhoddayAcharyar) Dasan

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7 on April 22, 2020

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha,

Namaskaram ntgk Swami,

Regarding devareer’s further stickum mind towards Parashuram as reflected in the query as “……..But why only that avesha avatharam is mentioned in the Dasavatharam list…….”,

Acharya lineages who follow the TRUE Poorna Avatars of Perumal don’t consider Parashuram in their list.

BhagavAn takes innumerable Poorna avatars and not limited to a small list, like SriKrishna took avatar as “Amara Prabhuhu” a Tree which is not in the list. So creating a smaller list of BhagavAns Poorna avatars are fine, but clubbing other Jeevathma’s like Parashuram’s personal vengance in to BhagavAn’s Poorna Avatars list is not welcome by Oran Vazhi GuruParamparai Acharyas.

People who has affinity towards others Jeevathma’s actions, let them adhere to it and make it popular as seen in the practical world, but when such list interferes with Oran Vazhi GuruParamparai Acharyas list based on Shastras, then those lists will the restructured to its original state with list of Poorna Avatars of BhagavAn only.

That’s why Parashuram idol is seen in general Sanatana Dharma Hindu temples, but won’t be seen in higher level Nishkrishta Vesham temples.

Adiyen (ElayaAlwar) Srinivasa (DhoddayAcharyar) Dasan

on April 28, 2020

சுவாமி, தங்கள் கருத்தை மறுப்பதாக எண்ண வேண்டாம். ஆனால், நம் திருவாரதண கைங்கரியத்தில், மந்தராஸனத்தின் போது, “பார்கவ ராமாய நம:” என்று சொல்லி அர்ச்சனை செய்கிறோமே.

அபராத ஷமா வேண்டுகிறேன்.

on April 29, 2020

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha,

Namaskaram ntgk Swami,

Adiyen believe devareer is talking about the nama “Om Bhaargava raamaaya nama” that we say in Archanai during “AlankarAsana”  in the ThiruAradhanai kramam at home and this nama doesn’t come in “mAntraSnana”.

With Acharya ThiruvAdi Bhalam and Velukkudi Swami’s Aasirvadham, regarding “பார்கவ ராமாய நம: / Om Bhaargava raamaaya nama:“,

Bhaargava” in Sanskrit means “An ARCHER“. Rama is as Excellent Archer. So I surrender  (Namaha) to the Excellent Archer Rama (Poorna Avatar “ParamAthma” is the meaning of this Namavali. It is true that Parasurama (JeevAthama) original name was also Bhaargava Rama before he committed the slaughter, but due the prayaschittam penance, he went to Parasurama due to which he got the name later as Parasurama, but  the “Bhaargava” nama in this naamavali doesn’t represent Parasurama here. He used Axe as weapon and not an excellent Archer. Moreover, in Sampradhayam there is a theme “Yatha Upasana Thatha Phalam, what we pray is what we get“. So, do you think, our acharyas recommend Parasuram upasna, then we will end up in such fierce anger and later prayschittam which is not a satvika progress. So we should pray on SUddha Satvam “SriRama or HIS other Poorna Avatars only and we should understand the correct meaning that when Poorna Avatar SriRama “The PARAMATHMA Suddha Satvam (No Rajao & Tamo guna) did “Garva Bhangam” (Dampened the Anger) of JEEVATHMA Parasuram due to Parasuram being another Jeevathma with Mishra satvam with Rajo/Tamo/Satva guna mxture.


The simple way to think wisely for self assessment is, what is  the necessity of SriRama to dampen anger of Himself if HE is considered as Parasuram. Such thinking can possibly lead to “Vishama Bhuddhi” in us, so we have to avoid such thinking. This will be inappropriate for a ParamAthma since PoorvAcharyas says, BhagavAn has only Countless Kalayana Gunas (Narguna Kadal).Though above is the true meaning as per Poorvacharyas, even if devareer wanted to consider “Bhaargava” is Parasuram here, then the best way to avoid the Vishama Bhuddhi is by considering the meaning of the nama “Om Bhaargava raamaaya nama” as “I surrender to Rama who dampened the anger of Bhaargavaa’s (Parasuram’s) Anger”

So the next question that will pop-up is, how to interpret two meanings for one nama. There is a reference down the row with another nama in Alankarsana as “Om madhusoodhanaaya nama:“. Here Madhu is an asura, Soodhana means Slaying. So one who slayed the asura Madhu is Sri Krishna, so “MadhuSoodhna” means SriKrishna BhagavAn and I surrender (namaha) to SriKrishna is the meaning. Here, can we consider that we surrender to the asura “Madhu”?, no correct. Same way the “Bhaargava” means Archer (Rama) whom we surrender and not the actual Bhaargava (Parasuram) that we surrender for the nama Om Bhaargava raamaaya nama:.

So another question that will popup is, if so the next namavali during Archanai in Alankarasana is “Om Sri raamaaya nama: “. Why two Rama namas consequently?. Here the “Sri” is Thayar, so I surrender (Namaha) to the Husband of SitaPiratti. So different Rama Nama’s represents different aspects of Rama BhagavAn.

Adiyen (ElayaAlwar) Srinivasa (DhoddayachAryar) Dasan.

on April 29, 2020

Sri ElayaAlwar swami – what a wonderful explanation above!! Now I got my doubts cleared. Also, you have not bothered to come back again and again whenever I asked further questions on the above topic. Thank you so much for trying to provide clarity multiple times to my mandha buddhi. If I had hurt you in some way by repeatedly asking further questions on this topic, kindly forgive me.

Dhanyosmi, Dhanyosmi, Dhanysomi.

on April 29, 2020

Srimathe Ramanujaye Namaha,
Exemplary display of Vaisnava qualities and behaviour by both swamis.
Very happy to observe such exchanges.🙏

on April 30, 2020

All credits to KKC Sholinghur DhoddayAcharyar-VedanthAcharyAr-KuramaSingarcharyar-Velukkudi Swamigal ThiruvAdigalil Samarpanam.
@ntgk Swami, since devareer is in pious path due to Acharya Krupai, Adiyen believe devareer is already “SATVA BUDDHI” and not the other way as devareer mentioned about self.
Nandri enpanifan Swami for the abhimaanam.

on May 16, 2020

Also ntgk Swami, we don’t do Bhalarama Upasana due to he being Avesha avatar and not BhagavAn Poorna avatar. The reference us he did some odd things as Balarama consumed liquor with Dhuryodhana after Rajasuya yagjna and tried to attack Bheema in climax for beating Dhuryodhana on his thighs without paying attention that the Poorna Avatar SriKrishna was on Pandavas side, so Balarama cannot be Poorna Avatar.

So during AlankarAsana after ThiruAradhanai, the “Om Bhalaramaya Namaha” is not Bhalarama. Bhalam here means Valour of SriRama.

on May 16, 2020

Sorry, Bhalam is Strength, Veerya is Valour,

So during AlankarAsana after ThiruAradhanai, the “Om Bhalaramaya Namaha” is not Bhalarama. Bhalam here means Strength of SriRama.

BhagavAn SriRama’s Kalyana Gunas:

“Gyana (Knowledge), Bhala (Strength), Veerya (Valour), Aishwarya (Opulence), Shakthi (Energy), Thejas (Luster)

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2 on May 16, 2020

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha,

Namaskaram ntgk Swami and all devotees who had the doubht, Velukkudi Swami has beautifully graced in Enpani #1743 that Parashurama and Balarama are Avesha avatar (JeevAthma with BhagavAn’s some portion of powers) and they are not Poorna Avatars of BhagavAn Himself. So we don’t do Upasana on these avatars.

Kotana Koti DhandavAt Pranaamam on Velukkudi Swami Thiruvadigalukku for approving adiyen’s above posting in Enpani #1743, which Adiyen explained in the above thread with Acharya ThiruvAdi Bhalam and Devareer Aasirvadham / Abhimaanam based on devareer’s past upanyasams.

Adiyen (ElayaAlwar) Srinivasa (DhoddayAcharyar) Dasan

on May 16, 2020

Amam Swamy Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy is coming with me for ages. Avar voice kekkati thukamum vara matengardhu. Sath sangam avlo magimai. Parama bhAgavathAn smarAmi

on May 16, 2020

Kodi pranams to Sri Velukkudi swami and Sri ElayaAlwar swami. Ellam Acharya anugraham. Adiyen bagyam.

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