(We invite you to come with family and serve the Lord)
by Velukkudi Sri U. Ve. Ranganathan Swamy
Kinchitkaram Trust was formed ten years ago to serve the needy and enhance the spiritual awareness of devotees. The holy scriptures say “akinchitkarasya seshatva anupapatti:” (He who does not serve his little mite, is not a devotee). Drawing the message of this saying, your trust is engaged in little services and rightly named as “Kinchitkaram” or “My little mite”
Bhagavad Ramanuja is the guiding light for Kinchitkaram Trust. His vision was equanimity and devotion irrespective of caste and creed. To make this a reality, he advised his devotees to
Following the above guidance of Swamy Ramanuja, the undermentioned services are rendered by the Trust
Knowledge about our ancient scriptures viz Vedas, Itihasa Puranas and Azhvars Divya Prabandhams would culminate as selfless service. Our trust gives its member easy access to this knowledge by distributing recorded CDs of spiritual lectures on collecting a small quarterly subscription from you. You gain knowledge while your contribution is used for socio-spiritual services. As a member you stand to gain Knowledge and Service.
Maintenance of Historical Sites Perpetuation of Sanskrit and Dravida Vedas Abhyasa Kendra Goshala Yatra Publications